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Can I Simulate the SRT Protocol in ns-3?

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Nov 17, 2024, 8:11:23 PM11/17/24
to ns-3-users

Hi everyone,

I'm new to ns-3 and network simulation in general. I'm currently working on a project to analyze the SRT protocol, specifically its error correction mechanisms like ARQ. I was wondering if ns-3 can be used to simulate the SRT protocol?

If it’s not directly possible, could anyone suggest alternative tools or methods that would allow me to achieve this? I’m open to learning and exploring new approaches.

Thanks in advance for your guidance and advice!

Tom Henderson

Nov 17, 2024, 8:27:31 PM11/17/24

then my answer is yes, ns-3 can be used to analyze such a protocol, but you may have to start from scratch on the SRT implementation because I have never encountered an ns-3 model for it.

- Tom
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Tommaso Pecorella

Nov 17, 2024, 8:32:15 PM11/17/24
to ns-3-users
It is definitely possible, BUT you'll have to develop the SRT model.

The task is complex (especially if you're learning ns-3), but it's not impossible. Basically it's like writing all the logic and packet formats for SRT, and then use UDP sockets.

About alternative tools, there are some GitHub repositories, but they seems to be more oriented toward "real" implementations rather than models for network simulators.
Of course evaluating a "real" implementation, and eventually modifying its algorithms means a different set of complexities, which might be les or more than building your own model and evaluating it. It depends on your skills and what you have to do...


Nov 17, 2024, 8:39:38 PM11/17/24
to ns-3-users

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your reply! Yes, that’s the protocol I’m referring to, and I really appreciate the clarification.

Thanks also for the detailed explanation, Tommaso! It’s good to know that developing the SRT model in ns-3 is possible, even if it sounds a bit challenging for a beginner like me.

I’ll take some time to explore both options—building the model in ns-3 or working with existing implementations—and figure out what works best for my project.

Thanks again for your insights!

Best regards,

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