XG-PON and WiMAX integration

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Lucas Yan

Apr 25, 2018, 8:10:28 PM4/25/18
to ns-3-users

I'm working on a scenario of an integrated XG-PON and WiMAX network. I'm using this XG-PON module: http://www.cs.ucc.ie/~xw2/xgpon4ns3.html

My current scenario contains 1 OLT, 2 ONU/BS (a node that contains an XG-PON device and a WiMAX device installed), 2 clients (connected to the OLT) and 2 servers (WiMAX Subscriber Stations, each one communicates with one of the Onus), as shown in the figure below:

The idea is to allow the communication of Client i with Server i through OLT and ONU i. For example, a flow: Client 0 -> OLT -> ONU 0 -> Server 0. 

But my code is displaying the following error:

aborted. cond="!(networkHere == networkThere)", msg="GlobalRouter::ProcessSingleBroadcastLink(): Network number confusion", file=../src/internet/model/global-router-interface.cc, line=853
terminate called without an active exception

I checked the class that returns this error, and I think there is some confusion with the IP addresses of the network, But I could not understand in my code what might be causing this problem.

Can anyone help me? I attached my code below. Thanks.
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