OnOffApplication Packet Sink not working

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Trail Error

Jun 20, 2019, 11:51:49 PM6/20/19
to ns-3-users
I am trying to generate traffic at one node using on-off application and receive it at another node. But, the flow monitor says, the same node is transmitting and receiving the data. Where did I go wrong? The following is my code snippet:

uint16_t port = 29;   // Discard port (RFC 863)
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", UintegerValue (210));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", StringValue ("448kb/s"));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::OnOffApplication::OnTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.1]"));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::OnOffApplication::OffTime", StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.3]"));

OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", Address (InetSocketAddress (enbInterfaces.GetAddress (0,0), port)));
ApplicationContainer apps = onoff.Install (enbNode.Get (0));
.Start (Seconds (0.0));
.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
// Create a packet sink to receive these packets
  uint16_t sinkPort
= 19;
// Address m_sinkAddress (InetSocketAddress (ueInterfaces.GetAddress (0), sinkPort));
PacketSinkHelper sink ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", Address (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), sinkPort))); //Ipv4Address::GetAny () //ueInterfaces.GetAddress(0)
ApplicationContainer appSink = sink.Install (ueNode.Get (0));
.Start (Seconds (0.0));
.Stop (Seconds (10.0));

Flow Monitor gives this:
Flow 2 ( ->
Tx Bytes:   158508
Rx Bytes:   158508
Throughput: 0.120932 Mbps

I have attached my full file also.

Muhammad Talha Jahangir

Jun 21, 2019, 3:05:56 PM6/21/19
to ns-3-...@googlegroups.com
U install onoff application and sink application on same node

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