TCP packet

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lea bin

Apr 27, 2015, 8:27:55 PM4/27/15
Hi ,
I sent packet tcp from MNN to CN but when I analyzed  pcap file with Wireshark tcp packet dosn't arrive to destination ? I found just tcp packet retranssmission ?
what would can be the problem ?
and how I can slove it ?

Thanks in advance

Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 28, 2015, 3:06:12 AM4/28/15
Giving you an answer with so little info means that we'll have to come to you room and debug the program for you.
Do you want pepperoni on your pizza ? Because we'll bring food and drinks for us.


PS: don't worry, we know where you live.
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Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 28, 2015, 5:46:17 AM4/28/15
I don't know if you're spelling it wrong or you're calling me an ass... (*) I'll opt for the first.

(*) apparently "fanny" is slang for vulva or ass. I didn't knew (**).  The interesting part is that in the USA the slang means the side B and in the other "brit" countries it's the side A. Really, something to think about.

(**) I discovered this by searching for some pic of any famous Fanny (it's also a feminine given name (***), some films titles, etc.) 

(***) After discovering what the slang means, I understand why there are so few girls named Fanny.


in order to have some understanding of what's happening, you need to share the script.
Sadly, I have no DCE running so I can't help much.
You already checked the pcap, and you said that the packets doesn't arrive to destination. Find where they're lost then. There will be a point where they're not forwarded...


On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 11:27:40 AM UTC+2, lea bin wrote:

hhhhhhhh you are so FANNY :D

what information do I have to give it?

P.S:you are welcome in my country

lea bin

Apr 28, 2015, 9:22:28 AM4/28/15

ahhhhh i'm really SORRY I would to say that you are so FUNNY "my spelling was wrong" 

Can you please tell me how to debug . I'm reallyy reallyy upset i'm with this probleme for 1 Month PLEASE HELP ME

Thank in advance

Nat P

Apr 29, 2015, 6:05:04 AM4/29/15

Il giorno martedì 28 aprile 2015 15:22:28 UTC+2, lea bin ha scritto:

ahhhhh i'm really SORRY I would to say that you are so FUNNY "my spelling was wrong" 

Can you please tell me how to debug . I'm reallyy reallyy upset i'm with this probleme for 1 Month PLEASE HELP ME

Let me analyze the situation for you, I have some spare time and instead to waste it doing something useful like eat or drink water I'm here to reply you, with the hope that can be useful to you and to others.

Often, the question are really BAD question, and the answer could be only a BAD answer. Let me take your question and examine it line for line. You wrote:

"I sent packet tcp from MNN to CN"

It means nothing. I don't know what is MNN and CN. Spell them right.
You sent a packet? Are you magic? Or have you used an application (if yes, tell what application) or manually crafted ONE single packet? In that case, attach code of your user-defined function to craft the packet.

"but when I analyzed  pcap file with Wireshark"

What pcap file? Generated from ? In your topology there is a p2p link? from where to where? Or it is another module? WHAT IS YOUR TOPOLOGY AND SIMULATION?

"tcp packet dosn't arrive to destination ?"

From this question, how I can deduce what is happening? Maybe you do not connect your p2p link. Or the application isn't working (have you wrote it? Or are you using something already available?). Destination is up? Is listening? Has it a PacketSink running at that time?

"I found just tcp packet retranssmission ?"

Retransmission of what? So one tcp SEGMENT (not packet) arrived? So the topology is OK? There is any queue which could cause the drop?

"what would can be the problem ?"

Aliens on the earth maybe

"and how I can slove it ?"

The fact is that your question is really bad. Asking a question in this way is so disrespectful (can I say insolent?) with respect to people which works hard in doing its job and they invest their spare time to try helping others. I can think of Konstantinos, Tommaso, Tom, and the many others which are around there. Before asking, think of the fact that you're NOT paying anyone and they are doing you a favor. In this light, the reply to "how I can solve it" is try to make better question, and explain EVERY THING you do in your simulation. It isn't obvious for us (which, remember, do not have a crystal ball to looking into your mind and your code on your computer).

Often, simply writing down logically each step you do is 90% of the solution of ALL problems (and often, if you write down well, you can easily answer yourself, because the bug - or the misunderstanding - become obvious).

Don't take it personally, it is a general advice.

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Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 29, 2015, 4:56:16 PM4/29/15

it seems that Nat can be even harsher than me... 

Anyway, i already told you: I don't use DCE, and trying to help you is like asking a blind man to help you cross the street. He can tell you to wait for the green light, but is you insist on asking him to explain what's the green light, he'll probably get mad.

You said that TCP appears on Wireshark, but it doesn't arrive at destination. Good, find what node is not forwarding it. Basically search in all the pcap files where the TCP is not present (and it should). You'll find the node that is not forwarding it.
From there on, the question is: why. But it could be an obvious thing.


On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 6:43:11 PM UTC+2, lea bin wrote:
Thank you Nat for your reply
I will explain my problem
I tried to enrich dce-umip-nemo script in DCE-NS3 , I start with an application witch sent packet tcp form mobile node (MNN) to Corespondent node (CN node fixe)
I used an OnOffapllication
I sent packet TCP from MNN to CN in order to calculate the metric and Evaluated performance .
Now the problem is that after analyzing the pcap's(file generated after compilation) with wireshark(analyzer pcap file). TCP appeared, but the only problem is that packet doesn't arrive to destination(CN)?

and there is my code for more information .

lea bin

Apr 29, 2015, 5:34:37 PM4/29/15

You said that TCP appears on Wireshark, but it doesn't arrive at destination. Good, find what node is not forwarding it. Basically search in all the pcap files where the TCP is not present (and it should). You'll find the node that is not forwarding it.
From there on, the question is: why. But it could be an obvious thing.


Yes, all pcap have tcp packet except the destination node   and my Question is WHY 

and how can be an obvious thing? which part in my code should i concentrated on ?

Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 29, 2015, 6:28:40 PM4/29/15
post the pcap files

lea bin

Apr 30, 2015, 4:22:42 AM4/30/15
 Hi Tommaso,

here is all pacp

the pcap csma-nemo-4.0.pcap is the destination node

Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 30, 2015, 5:34:56 AM4/30/15
I told you once to check what was the IP address of all the nodes.
I told you.
I did tell.

Have you done this check ?
Why ?
What is your excuse ?
What is the excuse to have us waste our time to figure out your problems when you don't do anything else than asking ?

Sorry, but I'm here to help people that is showing some willingness to do stuff. When I give an advice and it is simply ignored, and then I find out that the advice was, indeed, the first thing to do I go completely mad.

In "csam-nemo-4-0":
12 20.003000 fe80::200:ff:fe00:8 ff02::1:ff00:7 ICMPv6 90 Neighbor Solicitation for 2001:1:2:6::7 from 00:00:00:00:00:08
no reply.

In csam-nemo-1-0":
52 22.888000 2001:1:2:3::2 2001:1:2:5:200:ff:fe00:a ICMPv6 142 Destination Unreachable (Address unreachable)

The address is unreachable.
Either there's a routing problem in the "AR-1" node, or the "CN" node has a different address. Probably the second, as "AR-1" was asking for that particular address via an NDP.

Back to "csam-nemo-4-0":
1 0.000000 :: ff02::1 ICMPv6 90 Neighbor Solicitation for fe80::200:ff:fe00:7 from 00:00:00:00:00:07
2 0.006000 :: ff02::1 ICMPv6 90 Neighbor Solicitation for 2001:1:2:6:200:ff:fe00:7 from 00:00:00:00:00:07

CN node has a different address than expected.

Why ? No idea, and at this point I don't even care.
If you had done what I said long time ago (print the addresses of the nodes), you had found it out immediately.
If you would have analyzed the pcap files instead of just looking at the TCP traces, you would have found it.


lea bin

Apr 30, 2015, 6:39:21 AM4/30/15
Tommos i swear i swear i swear that  i have try your advice don't be mad of me i really went to my script work, i am working very very hard but i am beginner  so i can't see error like you even the simple one
i have  print the addresses of the nodes :
HoA :2001:1:2:3::1000/64 //HA :2001:1:2:3::1 //AR1-sim0 :2001:1:2:3::2 //AR1-sim1 :2001:1:2:4::2 //AR1-sim2 :2001:1:2:6::2 //AR2-sim0 :2001:1:2:3::3 //AR2-sim1 :2001:1:2:7::2 //MR :2001:1:2:5::1 //CN :2001:1:2:6::7 //MNN :2001:1:2:5::8

you are telling that cn have 2 @ "or the "CN" node has a different address. Probably the second,"?????

"I don't even care" please dont say that :'( :'( :'(
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lea bin

May 1, 2015, 4:07:14 PM5/1/15

My TCP packet arrive to destination but looking in the pcap file I see packet TCP with [ACK] then [RST,ACK] and [RST]  ??
why this is?

here is all my pcap.

lea bin

May 2, 2015, 8:41:52 AM5/2/15
Why no one went to help me?

You are thinking that i want everything on a gold plate? No i need help   I'm à BEGINNER (you hurt my feeling ) just tell me where is the Problem me i can't see it as you and i will try to fixed i am learning

thank you for all your help any way .

Tommaso Pecorella

May 2, 2015, 9:57:48 AM5/2/15
Perhaps it's because we helped you a lot ?
Or because there's nothing we can help with ?
Or, maybe, because we're not here just and only for you.

Anyway, if you didn't notice you're using DCE, and the problem you're facing comes from the original Linux stack.
Now, 15 years ago you could have been excused. Now there's Google, Bing and other excellent search engines, so you don't have much excuses. 

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