sumo -c sumoMap.sumocfg --fcd-output fcd_trace.xml --fcd-output.geo true
Instead of$SUMO_HOME/tools/bin/ --fcd-input fcd_trace.xml --ns2config-output ns2.config.tcl --ns2activity-output ns2.activity.tcl --ns2mobility-output ns2.mobility.tcl
In the mobility trace instead of
$node_(0) set X_ 152.28
$node_(0) set Y_ 489.97
I get this
$node_(0) set X_ -99.140278
$node_(0) set Y_ 19.490436
As I intented. I thought it was going to work fine, and using the mobility model I could get the "GPS position". But it didn't work out as planned.
The problem is that the nodes having coordinates (-99.138528, 19.49085), (-99.140472, 19.490461), (-99.138551, 19.490733), (-99.140595, 19.490457), (-99.138575, 19.49061), (-99.140719, 19.490454) and so on, the coordinates vary in hundredths and the nodes result in being next to each other, almost in the same spot.
Does someone know how to use this geographic coordinates with NS3 interpreting them correctly?
I could use the cartesian approach and use the coordinates as SUMO transforms them, and when I set the area of interest of my geographic routing protocol I use cartesian coordinates.