That is strange; I have a Catalina 10.15.2 machine with Xcode command
line tools version 11.3 installed, and it runs all tests for me. My
Python version is 3.7.3.
Please try the following and share the output:
$ ./ -s lte-handover-delay -vvv
For me, it shows:
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] ==
os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] ==
Synchronously execute
Return code = 0
stderr =
Queue lte-handover-delay
Launch utils/ns3.30.1-test-runner-debug --test-name=lte-handover-delay
--stop-on-failure --fullness=QUICK
Synchronously execute
--test-name=lte-handover-delay --stop-on-failure --fullness=QUICK --xml
Return code = 0
stderr =
returncode = 0
---------- begin standard out ----------
---------- begin standard err ----------
---------- end standard err ----------
PASS: TestSuite lte-handover-delay
1 of 1 tests passed (1 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed, 0 crashed, 0
valgrind errors)
You can see from this output that calling './ -s ...' makes an
underlying call to run the program:
build/utils/ns3.30.1-test-runner-debug --test-name=lte-handover-delay
--stop-on-failure --fullness=QUICK