Route in NetAnim vs PyViz

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Mar 28, 2014, 7:39:32 PM3/28/14
Dear all,

I am implementing AODV routing protocol, and for visualisation i use both of Netanim and Pyviz, the problem is that Netanim doesn't show me route between nodes, but PyViz do, is there any tip for that ???

Thank u a lot.

Tommaso Pecorella

Mar 29, 2014, 2:35:38 AM3/29/14

I think I'm starting to see double things. And I'm not drinking (yet).
I am pretty much sure that I've seen the very same question posted no more than 1 day ago. Maybe it's better if I check with a doc. Seeing double posts may be the sign of something.

I am also pretty sure I didn't reply because the reply would had been kinda harsh.

Anyway, since it's saturday morning and I promised to not be harsh, here's a polite answer. I'm not going to give you an explanation.
Not because I don't want.
Not because I can't.
Because I can't figure out the problem. And that's because you left some important things from your post, thus preventing any reply more precise than a generic "I have no idea".

The things you didn't say are:
  1. What ns-3 version you're using.
  2. "I am implementing AODV routing protocol". Good, but AODV is already implemented in ns-3. As a consequence I assume you're modifying it. What modifications have been made ? Are you sure it's not due to those ?
  3. Netanim. Version... (again)
  4. "doesn't show me route between nodes". What's not shown? Packets transmitted and received by nodes ?
  5. NetAnim is showing something or nothing at all ?
As you may see, there are a number of things that could have been said in the first post (the one I dreamt about) and that could have lead to a faster, more meaningful answer.

You're kindly encouraged to resubmit your question with a complete set of infos, which for sure will help to find the answer in a quicker way.

By the way, if you want to attack the NetAnim xml file (as an attachment), this could help as well to spot the problem.

Best regards,



Mar 29, 2014, 1:48:33 PM3/29/14
I would like to thank u for your reply, I agree for that and i am sorry,
So i am using NS 3.19, and netanim-3.104 as visualizer,
I am juste using module AODV as routing protocol, i have 15 static node and one mobile node as Sink,
One of the 15 node must send a set of packets to the Sink node,
When i execute my program with PyViz, it show me the chosen route for the transmission of packets between nodes (from node sender to the receiver sink), 
I execute my program with Netanim but here, NetAnim show me all the node and the calcul of routes but it doesn't show me the choisen route.

I do know if i am clear, and excuses for my english.

Tommaso Pecorella

Mar 29, 2014, 2:29:32 PM3/29/14

the English isn't an issue. Well, it would be for a conference paper or a scientific journal, but it's good enough to be understood, and that's the important part here.

NetAnim should show the packets being routed. Not exactly the route, but the routed packets, yes.

Can you send me the script file? (the .cc) I'll check what's wrong.


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