IS it possible to simulate Manet protocols over LTE and CDMA??

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Oct 27, 2014, 12:33:27 AM10/27/14
Hi Everyone,
I would like to know is it possible to simulate a CDMA and LTE network environment in Ns3 to compare the performance of Manet protocols over these 2 netowrks???
If it so, Could anyone let me know how to do that???like what are the files I can use  to do ?? like (

Please let me know if it not possible to simulate CDMA and LTE networks..


Tommaso Pecorella

Oct 27, 2014, 2:56:44 AM10/27/14

first and foremost, use less question marks. One is more than enough.
Second, CDMA is a term to indicate a way to transit signals over the air and arbitrate between different users. It does NOT name a technology. E.g., UMTS can use CDMA (LTE doesn't). Naming LTE and CDMA in the same sentence is like saying "I have a Diesel engine and a Ford Lexus".
Third, MANET protocols are multi-hop. CDMA is used (mainly) in cellular communication systems, which are 1-hop. LTE is a cellular technology too, and it is 1-hop. The standard bodies are just started to think (let alone produce some documents) about multi-hop LTE and only for some extremely specific cases.

Now, your question is: "Please let me know if it not possible to simulate CDMA and LTE networks."
The problem is: what you ask does not make any possible sense. It is not a ns-3 limitation, the problem is that you asked "I have an apple and a screwdriver. My friend told me that tomorrow is her birthday. Should I use a raincoat or an umbrella?".

I guess that this could be a simple case of misunderstanding. As a consequence, mind if I ask to explain your questions a bit better next time ?


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