How to schedule event on the basis of LTE frame/subframe?

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Qipeng Song

Apr 26, 2016, 8:05:53 AM4/26/16
to ns-3-users
Hi, ns3 user community.

I have encountered  a problem about the usage of the scheduler of NS3 simulator.

I want to implement a simple scenario within NS-3.24, where for example two UEs are supposed to attach towards eNB at a given time: UE1 attaches for example at frame 3 subframe 6, and UE2 do the same procedure but at frame 4 subframe 1 for example. To this end, I use the method “Simulator::Schedule(Time const &time, handler, args)” and schedule the aforementioned attach events in line 50 and 51 in the attached file.

However, maybe you have already foreseen the result, the two attach events are not scheduled as what I expect, because I confused the simulation time and the eNB-level time (at which frame and which subframe). Thus my question is:

Do you guys know which method allows us to schedule event at eNB time (instead of simulator time)? or how we could make a conversion between the two kinds of time?
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