LXC/ns-3 Automation and Integration Program

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Mike Albert

Jun 19, 2017, 5:29:46 PM6/19/17
to ns-3-users
Hi all!

Over the past several months I have been working on a project that automates the process of ns-3 real-time script creation and Linux Container creation and linkage. Now, I'm happy to announce the v0.1 release of the ns3-lxc project! You can check out the project and release here: https://github.com/buzz66boy/ns3-lxc/releases

I'm trying to make it quicker and easier to stand-up real-time ns-3 simulations so that a user can load applications on fully functional Linux Containers without the hassle of manual going through the container creation, application installation/loading, and simulation writing steps. To this end, I've made the project highly-extensible, with the ability to quickly add support for custom applications and containers via abstract virtual classes. In addition, I'm trying to expand the ns-3 modules the program supports (right now it supports CSMA and Ad-Hoc Wi-Fi).

Also, topologies have been abstracted into YAML-based topology files, that support inclusion and usage of other files (explained more on the git wiki).

If you'd like to contribute (especially additional ns-3 module support) please submit a pull request on GitHub, I'd love to have more devs involved. Please note that I'm not officially associated with the ns-3 dev team. Feel free to spread the word around, and let me know if there's somewhere else I can post this to get more exposure.

Thank you,
Mike Albert

Tom Henderson

Jun 19, 2017, 10:57:20 PM6/19/17
to ns-3-...@googlegroups.com

On 6/19/17 2:29 PM, Mike Albert wrote:
>Feel free to spread the word around, and let me know if
> there's somewhere else I can post this to get more exposure.

Looks like an interesting project; I have put some links on our related
projects wiki page [1], and also to our HOWTO on Linux Containers [2].

- Tom

[1] https://www.nsnam.org/wiki/Related_Projects
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