NS-3 Scalability issue: Bound on coordinates for large trace imported using NS2MobilityHelper

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Junaid Khan

Sep 8, 2014, 1:31:12 PM9/8/14
to ns-3-...@googlegroups.com
Hello All, 

I am trying to import a huge trace file in VANETs: around 6.4Gb tcl file, 2 hours with 117488 nodes, but I am unable to load it even on a cloud server. I am trying to reduce the time to consider as well as the area (coordinates).  I am able to cut the file into half an hour in time but regarding the grid, I am unable to extract a particular chunk of the area to analyze. 

Is it possible to assign particular area (lets say 2x2km out of a larger area 35x35km) for a trace file loaded using the Ns2TraceHelper??
I tried with the Rectangle to provide the desired X-min,X-max, Y-min,max but could not able to succeed.

Any help will be appreciated.

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