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Parallel Processing and Scaling

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Mike Doonsebury

Jul 12, 2019, 10:43:44 AM7/12/19
to NRules Users
Does NRules exploit multiple processors?
I'm scaling my application from 10 to 1,000 rules.  What guidance is there for configuring a machine for this application?  Will multiple processors impact the time to process any given change to the Working Memory?

Sergiy Nikolayev

Jul 12, 2019, 10:37:56 PM7/12/19
to NRules Users
NRules session is single threaded. To exploit multiple processors you need to break either your dataset or your rule set into multiple, and have several sessions that you are firing in different threads. This is also the same how you would scale this horizontally across multiple machines.

Sergiy Nikolayev

Jul 12, 2019, 10:38:18 PM7/12/19
to NRules Users
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