Information on the application to performance test

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Matt Heusser

Apr 19, 2013, 9:02:09 AM4/19/13
Just a little reward for folks who are logged in early and checking email:

Quick Easy Survey

Quick Easy Survey(QES) is nearing a limited public release and we would like to know what issues we must fix and should fix before release. The goal of QES is to allow people to quickly put up a survey gathering specific targeted information useful for decision making.  Too many times a survey is seen as a long arduous process where the taker will be reading long questions, selecting from numerous options.  QES believes that this limits the number of responders in a surveying process.  QES will be limiting the number of questions and available responses to counteract the resistance to the typical survey.

A survey should be able to be taken quickly. The goal is to allow the taker to return to normal activity quickly  while gathering valuable information  for the client.  Part of this goal is achieved by limiting the number of available questions to five. The number of selectable options per question is also limited to five. Also part of the speed must be server responsiveness. Survey responses are allowed to be queued up instead of directly recorded while a survey taker waits (results may lag, and that is ok as long as eventually correct).  Results should not lag more than five minutes under very heavy load.

The survey taking interface should be very usable with large targets for easy clicking.  There is no limit on how many times a specific user/browser/ip can take a survey, this has been deferred.

The survey management interface should be easy to use and self discoverable.  Users should not need to be trained or guess about how to use it.  Buttons should be easily usable and well placed. A user should be able to create a survey and put it into production in five minutes or less (not counting the time it takes to think up the questions and responses.)   The overall design of the interface is not yet complete, there are rough edges and that the designer is still working out and open to suggestion.

The surveys when published are accessible to anyone with a link to access the survey.  The results should not be accessible to anyone other than the creator of the survey. An archived or removed survey should not be able to be taken.

Matthew Heusser,
Principal Consultant, Excelon Development

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