Re: [nrepl-el] Testing multiple nrepl connections

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Hugo Duncan

Mar 22, 2013, 11:45:05 AM3/22/13
Marcus Holst <> writes:

> I'm trying to use the new multiple repl connections feature and have easily
> loaded an http server in one nrepl and then another in another nrepl
> instance. First I do 'nrepl-restart' and load the main ns of the first
> server, and then I open the other project's main ns, do 'nrepl-jack-in' and
> then load its main ns. Both servers start up and they are both accessible,
> so that's super (something that didn't work with the previous release). But
> when I switch back and reload the main ns of the other project again I get
> problems with missing ns dependencies. It seems like it tries to
> re-evaluate the ns in the wrong nrepl.
> Anyone else seen this behavior?

There is a concept of the "current" repl session, used for all
operations in a clojure buffer. To change to the default repl, select
the one you want to be used and use
M-x nrepl-make-repl-connection-default.

The is a connection browser, that can be invoked with M-x
nrepl-connection-browser. Unfortunately there was an issue with the key
bindings for that buffer in 0.1.7; otherwise the 'd' key can be used to
make a connection default.


Marcus Holst

Mar 22, 2013, 3:39:13 PM3/22/13
Your'e right Hugo, thanks! I think with this 1.7 release the nrepl is really starting to rock!

The connection browser looks nice with project name and all, so I will definitively use it when the 'd'-bug is fixed.

A *killer* feature would be if C-c C-k (and all Clojure buffer load operations like C-x C-e and C-c C-p) found out which project the buffer was loaded from and then chose the right nrepl automatically..


Hugo Duncan

Mar 22, 2013, 5:25:29 PM3/22/13
Marcus Holst <> writes:

> A *killer* feature would be if C-c C-k (and all Clojure buffer load
> operations like C-x C-e and C-c C-p) found out which project the buffer was
> loaded from and then chose the right nrepl automatically..

A couple of complications here. You can have multiple buffers open on a
single project. Project information is only available when using

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