Multi-threaded experience

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Martin Blais

Jul 8, 2013, 4:25:41 PM7/8/13

This is probably more of an nrepl question, but I was wondering, is it normal that I'm getting a single-threaded experience from using nrepl.el?
That is, I evaluate a long sleep statement, then evaluate multiple quick print statements, and the print statements' evaluation is delayed until after the long sleep. I think I recall swank-clojure being multi-threaded and being able to continue evaluating new expressions even if a previous expression sent to the VM took a long time to run in the background. Is this not the case for nrepl? I looked at the code briefly and it looks like it's meant to be MT as well, but that's not what I experience. I haven't had time to debug this yet, but this looks like a pretty glaring bug if that's the case.

Is this normal? Do I need to enable something to get MT evaluation in nrepl?

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