[wiki.npr-android-app] push by - Edited wiki page BranchingAndMerging through web user interface. on 2012-02-06 19:34 GMT

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Feb 6, 2012, 7:35:06 PM2/6/12
to npr-a...@googlegroups.com
Revision: 9b179e4e710c
Author: justinfriberg <justin...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Feb 6 11:34:20 2012
Log: Edited wiki page BranchingAndMerging through web user interface.


--- /BranchingAndMerging.wiki Fri Jan 13 14:07:34 2012
+++ /BranchingAndMerging.wiki Mon Feb 6 11:34:20 2012
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+= Git Branching and Merging =
When working with the npr-android-app code you should create a branch for
a feature and someone else should merge it. It's considered bad form to
merge your own code and it should be reviewed before it's committed to

-== Starting a feature ==
+== Identify or report an issue to the project owner ==
+Create a new issue or select an existing issue to address. It's helpful
to inform the project owner that you're working on the issue.
+== Starting work ==
When you start work on a feature, create a branch:

@@ -12,7 +17,6 @@
When it is ready for merging:

# Mark the story as "Fixed" in the Issues list
# Attach a link to your remote branch with your changes and notify the
list. Once the branch has been reviewed and any changes made that are
necessary, it is ready to be merged into the master branch.

== Merging a branch and delivering the issue ==
@@ -27,7 +31,7 @@

=== Perform the merge ===

-*make sure you have no unstaged changes before proceeding*
+_Make sure you have no unstaged changes before proceeding_

git status
@@ -44,18 +48,9 @@

_At this point you may need to fix any merge conflicts._

-=== Validate the code ===
-Next, make sure that all is well by running the specs
-rake validate
=== Push the code ===

-And push to github:
+When ready, push to google code:

git push origin master
@@ -69,7 +64,7 @@

=== Cleaning up ===

-Story owner should approve the story then you can delete the feature
+After the story owner approves the story, you can delete the feature

Deleting a remote branch:

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