Work ahead

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Shay Rojansky

Sep 18, 2014, 11:36:04 AM9/18/14
Hi everyone.

As you've maybe noticed, I recently have much more spare time to spend on npgsql - I left my steady job and for now am taking it easy. Starting from the 28th I have a project that will last for about a month, during which I'll probably have a bit less time (but will still work).

We have a lot of work for 3.0 (and also some for 2.2.1, which we can probably release soon). Do you guys have time to work? It will be good to know who's going to have some time and to divide up the work. I suggest that we use github's assignment feature to indicate who "owns" which bug/feature - I've put my face on things which I think I can and want to do. Of course if you want to work on something I've assigned to myself you can do that and we can discuss...


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