First LA G4C Meetup & Future Ideas for your next turn

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Evonne Heyning

2011年2月17日 晚上7:07:252011/2/17
A few of us met today @sugarshack in MidCityLA to talk game development for nonprofits, virtual goods and economic models, budgets and scope appropriate for most public sector endeavors. Since the LA community is so rich with console dev talent we're looking at ways to bring people out of work into the fold of educational & serious games. 

Anyone in SoCal can suggest a meetup on the fly at and we look forward to hearing great ideas coming together! 

Today we talked about:
* Economic models and scales for games of various types
* Interoperability between Unity/Flash/Facebook/Mobile for more successful distribution planning
* Building a dev team for Seeds the Game out of SoCal
* led by Timothy Lambert  << team for hire: Flash/Console/Unity development
* Job opportunities for game developers looking to work with nonprofits
* Nonprofit Games working group (a google group focused on NPO gamedev):
* Future bookclub discussion around Reality is Broken
* Future partnerships and events to include USC, Serious Game Studios in LA, emerging talent, public sector & transmedia storytellers
* Kinect and gaming for empathy, Playmotion and openSDK for developing embodied games
* New games we played together:  Brain Seeds, Spent, PING

Your turn! What do you want to do next in LA?  
We're definitely down to meet again after SXSW and I'll be hosting a game/workshop called CausebuildingGames #GamesFTW on 3/11 in Austin.

~Evonne Heyning~ @amoration
Interactive Producer, Social Games

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