Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flanern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight

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Viraj Fernando

Jan 25, 2009, 12:55:37 PM1/25/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Tom,
1. You wrote: 

"You are correct, when a planet is in opposition to the earth, planetary aberration would not be observed (based on theory and a practical reason – the sun is in the way). 


Have I got the terms 'conjuction' and 'opposition' mixed up? What I meant is the position where the planet appears at th meridian at mid night.
If the moon is also at the meridian at the same time a planet is, their tangential motions will be parallel. In relative motion terms they will be similar because besides the relative tangential motions (wrt earth), there will be no other linear motions to count (i.e axial rotations disregarded)
So if the light from the moon does not exhibit aberration because it has tangential motion only with respect to earth all the time as you say, then it stands to reason that light from a planet at opposition (or is it conjunction?) would not also exhibit aberration at the position its relative motion is perpendicular to the line of centres and parallel to earth's motion.


(I refered up the Definition of 'Opposition' in Norton's Star Atlas. "Conjuction" (0 h R.A.) is when an outer planet is found to be on the same side as the sun when looked from earth. "Opposition" (12 h R.A.) is when sun and the planet are on either side, with the earth in between them. So when in opposition the planet is on the meridian at mid night. Sun is not in the way when a planet is in opposition as  as you have stated.. So the practical difficulty you have pointed to of 'the sun being  in the way' is non-existent).



2. You also wrote: "The magnitude of planetary aberration for every planetary object changes constantly from zero to some value."

If you referred to 'planetary aberration' in the meaning of what astronomers use it, then it is a two-valued term. (Bradley aberration + correction for light time) as explained in the earlier post. In no position will the correction for light time disappear and attain the value zero as you have stated.
Secondly it is at opposition that the planet is at the meridian at midnight and therefore at this position Bradley aberration is maximum.
 Bradley aberration will disappear when the planet is at quadrature (6 h or 18 h R.A.)
Thanks for referring me to David Tombe. I will have a look at Babin's site. I will find out whether David Tombe and I share the same ideas.
However, I would like you to know that I share the same view as Tom Van Flandern in regard to the onion structure of aether fields. If you go through Tom Van Flandern's article "What GPS Tells Us....", you will find him saying:

If these experimenters had realized that the aether was not a single entity but changed with the local gravity field, they would not have been surprised. It might have helped their understanding to realize that Earth's own Moon does not experience aberration as the distant stars do, but only the much smaller amount appropriate to its small speed through the Earth's gravity field.”


The essence of Tom Van Flandern's message is that Aether is Onion Structured. Like gravity fields envelope one outside the other, so do the local aether fields.
However, I feel that Tom Van Flandern's seeming position of equating local aether with the local gravity field is imprecise. In as much as a gravity field is enveloped inside the other, they interpenetrate. Gravity fields are without boundaries.
A local gravity field is independent of the motion of the central body whose field it is.  The local aether field is a separate entity which coincides with the local gravity field considered in motion. In the transmission of light within a moving gravity field (e.g. earth's field orbiting round the sun), light transmitted from one body to another does not undergo aberration. A local aether field is restricted to bodies co-moving with the centre. That is local aether field of the sun is restricted to planets and their satellites all of which have the galilean motion in common with the sun. The local aether field is restricted to the moon (and the artificial satellites) which have a motion in common with the earth round the sun.
I hope this will make it clear that the time is fast approaching to dethrone Einstein-Poincare Principle of Relativity and the enthrone
Galileo-Newton Principle of Relativity whose core concept is that a body not only moves relative to its place of location but also has a motion in common with the place of location.
I think as a tribute to Tom Van Fladern we (NPA Chat) should embark on an analytical/critical study of Tom's work begining with "What GPS Tells Us about Relativity".
Best regards,

From: Tom Miles <>
To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 January, 2009 11:17:50
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?

Dear Viraj,

The file you requested will be sent direct to your email address.

You are correct, when a planet is in opposition to the earth, planetary aberration would not be observed (based on theory and a practical reason – the sun is in the way).  The magnitude of planetary aberration for every planetary object changes constantly from zero to some value.

And actually, I do not recognize that light is independent of the motion of the source.

You seem to be an ether drag proponent.  Are you familiar with David Tombe?  He is of like mind and you might enjoy communication with him.  He has papers posted at Babin Science Journal (including his email address).

Best regards,

Tom Miles






From: [] On Behalf Of Viraj Fernando
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:29 PM
To: NPA Members Chat Email
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?


Dear Tom,

Thanks for your info. Please do send me the pages from the Explanatory Notes. 


When, say, Mars or Jupiter is in opposition with the earth, their motion relative to the earth is similar to moon's tangential motion relative to the earth. (Is planetary aberration when at opposition any different from other positions?). We must recognise the fact that light leaving Mars or the Moon or (even a star) is independent of the motion of the source.


What matters is the motion of the earth relative to the sun and not the relative motion between the source and the earth. Is it not the case that as far as relative motion goes, whether earth is considered at rest and moon is in motion, or moon is considered at rest and earth is in motion, they are equivalent. As far as relative motion goes earth's position at the centre makes no difference..  So there is rectilienar relative motion between the two. But relative motion does not count in so far as aberration is concerned because motion of light is independent of the source. What counts is the motion of the earth relative to the sun as against the on coming light, no matter what the source is.


In relation to planets and stars, earth's motion relative to the sun is discrete. The only object in relation to which earth's orbital motion is not discrete is the moon.. That is because they have this motion in common between them. Nevertheless even against the on coming light from the moon, once it has left the moon it is independent, and earth's motion relative to the sun still has to count.. The question is why does it not count?


Best regards,





From: Tom Miles <>
To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Friday, 23 January, 2009 22:56:41

Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?

Dear Viraj,


I discussed this subject with Tom Van Flandern last year.   He directed me to the “Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris”, 1961 edition.  The Supplement explains that stellar and planetary aberration depend upon the relative (rectilinear) motion of the observer to the source.  Since there is no rectilinear motion between the moon and earth, there can be no aberration.

I would be happy to send you the pages if you wish.


Best regards,

Tom Miles






From: [] On Behalf Of Viraj Fernando
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51 AM
To: NPA Members Chat Email
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?


Dear All,

Here's my answer to Q.3


Playing Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.

In Tom Van Flandern’s paper “What GPS Tell Us about Relativity..”, there is the curious observation, viz., “Moon exempt”, recorded against aberration. This begs the question:”What is the physical basis that renders light from the Moon not to manifest aberration, whereas light from planets, stars and galaxies exhibit it?” Since all physicists, that is relativists and their opponents alike have lost track of the core concept underlying Galileo’s principle of relativity, they are all clueless why the “moon is exempt”. Leaving out this core concept amounts to something like both sides trying to play Hamlet without the Prince, in two different impoverished versions. I shall return to this below.


What is wrong with relativity theory is that it has destroyed the trend of thinking along which the epistemological development physics took root since Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, of recognition of the natural order of hierarchy of motions as the basis of physics, (i.e. the sum of true relative motions = ‘absolute motion’). SRT has destroyed this trend in order to create a mathematical methodology to obtain results (by hook or by crook) by imposing man-made conventions in lieu. This is analogous to the overthrow of the Helio-centric system of pre-Aristolean philosophers by the geo-centric system developed between Aristotle-Callipippus-Ptolemy by the arbitrary introduction of epicycles out of pragmatic considerations.


The essence of the Copernican revolution is the recognition of the natural order of hierarchy of motions as the basis of physics. However, even to-day, it is found that the geo-centric system is convenient and provides results mathematically. Nevertheless, on account of this, nobody would dare to legitimize the (modified) Ptolemaic theory as a physical theory. However, in contrast, by virtue of the mathematical convenience offered by the theory of relativity, the mainstream has misconstrued it as a physical theory.


The natural order of hierarchy of motions implies a ‘rest frame’ and it infers the theorem that the sum total motions relative to this ‘rest frame’ is equal to the ‘absolute motion’. This riddle should have been solved by showing that ‘absolute motion’ is not absolute, and by demonstrating that there is no rest frame as such, but depending on the circumstances different frames in the hierarchy of motions play the role of the ‘rest frame’. That is, ‘absolute motion’ is relative depending on the boundary within which a given phenomenon occurs in a system.


The idea of this relative rest frame is embedded in Galileo’s principle of relativity. “The reason for the correspondences of effects (of bodies moving inside the cabin of the ship) is that they all have a motion in common with the ship”. If the ship lost its motion and the objects lost theirs too, the ship and the objects will all come to rest on earth. Earth is the common boundary frame of the system consisting of the moving ship and the bodies moving relative to it. This common boundary frame of motion is what is known by the misnomer the ‘rest frame’. What was required to be done at the turn of 20th century was to clear this misunderstanding. That is to recognize that the ‘rest frame’ does not mean that there is an ultimate frame at absolute rest but that nature’s systems work within boundaries and the frame that defines the boundary of a given system is the de facto ‘rest frame’ of that system.


In its stead, the Poincare-Einstein principle of relativity, threw the whole conceptual framework of Galilean physics based on the hierarchy of motions overboard, and along with it the motion that a body has in common with its immediate frame in the hierarchy, relative to the boundary frame (i.e. the ‘rest frame’). They postulated (i.e. arbitrarily introduced the idea) that all inertial frames are equivalent. This destroyed the very idea of motion in common embedded in Galileo’s principle of relativity. Unfortunately, even the most vehement opponents of SRT who claim to remain loyal to Galilean concepts are afflicted by the same malady, they too have lost track of Galilean concept of the motion that a body has in common with the immediate frame of motion in the hierarchy. In their opposition to SRT, some have even fallen into the medieval trap of absolute rest represented by a stationary aether.


Why we are tied up in knots about aberration of light is because we have failed to recognise that the medium of propagation of light is layered. Moon has a motion in common with the earth around the sun, whereas earth does not share a common motion relative to the sun with planets and other bodies. This explains why the light from the moon which traverses along the local layer of the ‘light-medium’ which is common to earth-moon system does not manifest the common motion of earth’s orbit in the form of aberration; whereas light transmitted along other non-local layers of the ‘light-medium’ do manifest earth’s motion   Within the domain of the local layer there is no aberration of moon light and there is a null result in MMX. (You can call this local layer of the ‘light medium’ common to earth-moon system as the ‘entrained aether’). I shall explain aberration in the above terms in a separate paper.


My plea: Bring the Galilean Prince (common motion) back on to the stage of physics, and Hamlet will once again turn out to be an astounding drama full of glamour and glory!


 Best regards,





From: Steven Bryant <Steven...@RelativityChallenge.Com>
To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Saturday, 17 January, 2009 13:06:41
Subject: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?

Hi NPAers and friends,


Thank you for the responses and discussions to the first two questions in the series.  I think we have some good conversations occurring as a result.  One of the things that binds the NPA community together is a feeling that something is wrong with certain mainstream theories.  And for those who believe the mainstream theories are correct, they participate with NPA because they have an interest in hearing what others have to say.  So, far, we've discussed what is right (or useful) with SRT, and we've explored what it would take to change people's minds to believe something different.  


This week, I would like to us to examine what it is we think is wrong with SRT.  However, in order to avoid this becoming a question where everyone writes a 10 page e-mail dissertation, or says "read my paper, book, or watch my video", I am going to outline a few parameters for our answers.


Question 3: 

What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?

(In other words, using ONE printed page or less, please describe your argument against SRT.  Begin with a simple statement like "The main problem with SRT is ...".)


In business, we often refer to the "Elevator Pitch" as that 30 second blurb of information you give that tells someone what your company is about.  Conceptually, you think of it as what you would tell someone if you only have enough time to ride down (or up) and elevator with him/her.  The advantage of an elevator pitch is that it enables one to quickly community some key points that, hopefully, they remember if you see them again (or, if you are in sales, when you call them later that day).  It may not be ALL of your points, but enough to pique their interest.  Ideally, your elevator pitch is only one, two, or three sentences.  Then if the elevator ride is longer than expected, they might ask for more information, which of course you could do - keeping in mind that your time will up when the doors open.


Our community can benefit from the elevator pitch in that it helps us clearly communicate our thoughts; in this case, our thoughts around what is wrong with SRT.  Why is this important?  I think it is important to be concise.  And when we reach out to people in the mainstream community, they are more likely to give replies to well worded, SHORT messages that grab their attention.  This is what an elevator pitch is all about.


To be honest, if we we can't be concise with our message, we will have a much harder time having others understand us.  So, I am asking for your elevator pitch, not your formal "proof" that something is wrong.  Of course, if you can get your proof on one page, then go for it.  So, with this backdrop, consider the 1 page limit a hard rule for the purposes of answering this question.  If you are replying by e-mail, the the page limit applies to your response only, not to the original question (e.g., not this e-mail which might be appended to your answer)...  And, no, please don't use a font smaller than 10 point.  I already wear glasses as it is.  :-)

What are your thoughts and how would you answer the question?



Guidelines:  I would like this to be as free-form as possible, but I do think we should have a few simple ground rules.

1.  Reply to the original question or to someone else's response, but please stay on topic (and somewhat related to the original question).

2.  Discuss one question at a time.  If you have specific questions you'd like to ask, send them to me; or start your own thread.

3.  Take part in the discussion.  I hope that the resulting dialogue helps everyone.  As long as there's interest, I'll keep asking questions.






Tom Miles

Jan 25, 2009, 1:26:36 PM1/25/09
to NPA Members Chat Email

Dear Viraj,

Yes, I meant to say and should have been more explicit that it was the Bradley component of planetary aberration varies from zero to some value.

Yes, it would be a good idea and tribute to Tom for NPA to study and discuss his ideas.

David Tombe may share Tom’s vision of ether in that he posits that local ethers are entrained within what he calls a ‘gravitosphere’…  But I should not speak for him.

Jan 25, 2009, 1:33:41 PM1/25/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Good evening friends,
I noted Tom Miles' comment that "it would be a good idea and tribute to Tom for NPA to study and discuss his ideas"
Chip Arp is working with Mike Van Flandern to produce and publish a monograph of Tom's ideas and theories. I will keep you posted as it develops.
Kind regards

MembersChat mailing list

Viraj Fernando

Jan 25, 2009, 3:19:26 PM1/25/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Tom and Hilton,
It appears that the non-existence of Bradley aberration of moonlight provides a vital clue in the resolution of the jigsaw of Relativistic phenomena. If we hold fast to the onion structure of local aether fields, and discuss things with reference to it, I have a feeling things will become clearer and clearer. 
Allow me to muse a little. I think that the common motion of a body (moon) and its place of location (earth) being the determinatant of the local aether field, this common velocity renders there to be no constraint (a potential difference or  a velocity resistance?) between the two bodies. In the transmission of light within a local aether there being no constraint, there is no Bradley aberration. When a ray of light crosses over so many local fields and enters local solar aether field (before entering the earth's locl aether field at the instant of incidence). So it is always the constraint (potential difference?) between the solar field and the geo-centric field that comes into play in Bradley aberration (as witnessed from earth), no matter where it has originated.from. This constraint is maximum when the velocity of the earth is perpendicular to the direction of incidence and becomes zero when they are co-linear.
Yes, the best tribute we can pay to Tom Van Flandern is to discuss and further his ideas. Perhaps, we can invite David Tombe and any others who have ideas closer to Tom's to participate as special guests, if and when we commence these discussions.
Best regards,

From: Tom Miles <>
To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Sunday, 25 January, 2009 13:26:36

Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flanern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight

Dear Viraj,

Yes, I meant to say and should have been more explicit that it was the Bradley component of planetary aberration varies from zero to some value.

Yes, it would be a good idea and tribute to Tom for NPA to study and discuss his ideas.

David Tombe may share Tom’s vision of ether in that he posits that local ethers are entrained within what he calls a ‘gravitosphere’…  But I should not speak for him.

Best regards,

Tom Miles





From: [] On Behalf Of Viraj Fernando
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:56 AM
To: NPA Members Chat Email
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flanern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight


Dear Tom,


1. You wrote: 

"You are correct, when a planet is in opposition to the earth, planetary aberration would not be observed (based on theory and a practical reason – the sun is in the way). 


Have I got the terms 'conjuction' and 'opposition' mixed up? What I meant is the position where the planet appears at th meridian at mid night.


If the moon is also at the meridian at the same time a planet is, their tangential motions will be parallel.. In relative motion terms they will be similar because besides the relative tangential motions (wrt earth), there will be no other linear motions to count (i.e axial rotations disregarded)


So if the light from the moon does not exhibit aberration because it has tangential motion only with respect to earth all the time as you say, then it stands to reason that light from a planet at opposition (or is it conjunction?) would not also exhibit aberration at the position its relative motion is perpendicular to the line of centres and parallel to earth's motion.


(I refered up the Definition of 'Opposition' in Norton's Star Atlas. "Conjuction" (0 h R.A.) is when an outer planet is found to be on the same side as the sun when looked from earth. "Opposition" (12 h R.A.) is when sun and the planet are on either side, with the earth in between them. So when in opposition the planet is on the meridian at mid night. Sun is not in the way when a planet is in opposition as  as you have stated.. So the practical difficulty you have pointed to of 'the sun being  in the way' is non-existent).



2. You also wrote: "The magnitude of planetary aberration for every planetary object changes constantly from zero to some value."


If you referred to 'planetary aberration' in the meaning of what astronomers use it, then it is a two-valued term. (Bradley aberration + correction for light time) as explained in the earlier post. In no position will the correction for light time disappear and attain the value zero as you have stated.


Secondly it is at opposition that the planet is at the meridian at midnight and therefore at this position Bradley aberration is maximum.

 Bradley aberration will disappear when the planet is at quadrature (6 h or 18 h R.A.)


Thanks for referring me to David Tombe. I will have a look at Babin's site. I will find out whether David Tombe and I share the same ideas.


However, I would like you to know that I share the same view as Tom Van Flandern in regard to the onion structure of aether fields. If you go through Tom Van Flandern's article "What GPS Tells Us....", you will find him saying:


If these experimenters had realized that the aether was not a single entity but changed with the local gravity field, they would not have been surprised. It might have helped their understanding to realize that Earth's own Moon does not experience aberration as the distant stars do, but only the much smaller amount appropriate to its small speed through the Earth's gravity field.”


The essence of Tom Van Flandern's message is that Aether is Onion Structured. Like gravity fields envelope one outside the other, so do the local aether fields.


However, I feel that Tom Van Flandern's seeming position of equating local aether with the local gravity field is imprecise. In as much as a gravity field is enveloped inside the other, they interpenetrate. Gravity fields are without boundaries.


A local gravity field is independent of the motion of the central body whose field it is.  The local aether field is a separate entity which coincides with the local gravity field considered in motion. In the transmission of light within a moving gravity field (e.g. earth's field orbiting round the sun), light transmitted from one body to another does not undergo aberration. A local aether field is restricted to bodies co-moving with the centre. That is local aether field of the sun is restricted to planets and their satellites all of which have the galilean motion in common with the sun. The local aether field is restricted to the moon (and the artificial satellites) which have a motion in common with the earth round the sun.


I hope this will make it clear that the time is fast approaching to dethrone Einstein-Poincare Principle of Relativity and the enthrone

Galileo-Newton Principle of Relativity whose core concept is that a body not only moves relative to its place of location but also has a motion in common with the place of location..

I think as a tribute to Tom Van Fladern we (NPA Chat) should embark on an analytical/critical study of Tom's work begining with "What GPS Tells Us about Relativity".


Best regards,



From: Tom Miles <>
To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 January, 2009 11:17:50
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Questions 3 - What is your "Elevator Pitch" for what is wrong with SRT?

Dear Viraj,

The file you requested will be sent direct to your email address.

You are correct, when a planet is in opposition to the earth, planetary aberration would not be observed (based on theory and a practical reason – the sun is in the way).  The magnitude of planetary aberration for every planetary object changes constantly from zero to some value.

And actually, I do not recognize that light is independent of the motion of the source.

You seem to be an ether drag proponent.  Are you familiar with David Tombe?  He is of like mind and you might enjoy communication with him..  He has papers posted at Babin Science Journal (including his email address).

To be honest, if we we can't be concise with our message, we will have a much harder time having others understand us.  So, I am asking for your elevator pitch, not your formal "proof" that something is wrong.  Of course, if you can get your proof on one page, then go for it.  So, with this backdrop, consider the 1 page limit a hard rule for the purposes of answering this question.  If you are replying by e-mail, the the page limit applies to your response only, not to the original question (e.g., not this e-mail which might be appended to your answer)....  And, no, please don't use a font smaller than 10 point.  I already wear glasses as it is.  :-)

john-erik persson

Jan 26, 2009, 10:21:37 AM1/26/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Viraj and NPA people
When we look at the Moon we see no aberration from velocity related to the Sun. It is compensated, since Moon and Earth are circulating the Sun together. But there is a much smaller aberration from the Moon's orbital velocity in relation to Earth. Aberration is proportional to relative velocity. Aberration reveals our own speed, but unfortunately nothing about the ether-wind. The very small aberration can be difficult to detect, since we need a reference.
Best regards..........................................John-Erik

--- On Sun, 1/25/09, Viraj Fernando <> wrote:

Viraj Fernando

Jan 26, 2009, 11:11:56 AM1/26/09
to, NPA Members Chat Email
Dear John Erik,
You are stating the same things that were discussed and agreed already about the absence of aberration of Moonlight between Tom Miles and me (as if we were contradicting these). 
You are right that the Bradley aberration is absent in Moon light becasue there is the "motion in common" between the earth-moon (and the local aether). You are also right there will be an effect due to Moon's motion relative to the earth. This is called the "correction for light time". These were all already discussed and agreed between Tom and me. Kindly refer to the correspondence between us in the last few days to verify  these.
What was not demonstrated mathematically was the effect of the local geocentric aether which moves along with the earth-moon system relative to the sun. This will be demonstrated in due time soon, in connection with Bradley aberration and the Doppler shift as a combined phenomenon in terms of change of a momentum that occurs (revealing real physics underlying them) when a photon changes its state from one local aether medium to another, not as a kinematic illusion.
However, I also have a question for you. (This will apply if you accept that the velocity of light is independent of the source). The light leaving the Moon will be independent of its motion relative to the earth as well as the motion in common with the earth. Then when it arrives on earth, moon light (that is independent of all the motions of the source), just the same as a light from a planet or a star will confront the observer on earth moving at the velocity of orbit. This being the case how is it that the Moon does not manifest Bradley aberration whereas light from a planet exhibits both Bradley aberration (due to earth's motion) and light time correction (due to its orbital motion round the sun). In the case of Moon light it exhibits only the light time correction and no Bradley aberration. How come?
Best regards,

From: john-erik persson <>

To: NPA Members Chat Email <>
Sent: Monday, 26 January, 2009 10:21:37

Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flandern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight
Dear Viraj and NPA people
When we look at the Moon we see no aberration from velocity related to the Sun. It is compensated, since Moon and Earth are circulating the Sun together. But there is a much smaller aberration from the Moon's orbital velocity in relation to Earth. Aberration is proportional to relative velocity. Aberration reveals our own speed, but unfortunately nothing about the ether-wind. The very small aberration can be difficult to detect, since we need a reference.
Best regards...........................................John-Erik

--- On Sun, 1/25/09, Viraj Fernando <> wrote:

john-erik persson

Jan 27, 2009, 5:50:21 AM1/27/09
to Viraj Fernando,
Viraj and NPA
Aberration from the Moon is not zero. It is caused by the relative velocity between Moon and Earth. The Moon-s orbital velocity is 1 km/s. 30 times less than Sun-related velocity. So lunar aberration is 3 micro-radians. This is difficult to detect.
Planetary aberration is caused by the relative velocity between Earth and planet. Confusion can arise if this velocity is calculated as the difference between their sun-related velocities.

Viraj Fernando

Jan 28, 2009, 11:56:16 AM1/28/09
John Erik,
As said before, you are saying the same thing on which Tom and I concurred about 'aberration' as used for the purpose of astronomical telescopy.. Namely, that  although Bradley aberration which is the phenomenon related to earth's motion is non-existent in the case of the Moon, there is an independent residual component due to Moon's motion relative to earth. What we in NPA call "Bradley aberration",  is called by astronomers as "stellar aberration" and it is not only restricted to stellar objects, but also to objects in the solar system. The other teeny weeny residual aberration is termed by astronomers as "correction for light time".
For the purposes of astronomical telescopy:
Total aberration = Bradley (or 'stellar') aberration + correction for light time(due to motion of the source relative to the observr)
When we in the NPA-chat discuss 'aberration' with reference to STR and indeed what Einstein himself has referred to as 'aberration' is the Bradley aberration component only. We tend to disregard the adjective "Bradley" or "stellar" and call it baerration.
Therefore in our discussions relating to STR  to bring in the residual component is to throw a red herring and to casue an unnecessary fuss and a distraction for no purpose. Particularly when this matter already has been given due consideration.
Best regards,

From: john-erik persson <>
To: Viraj Fernando <>;
Sent: Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 5:50:21
Allow me to muse a little. I think that the common motion of a body (moon) and its place of location (earth) being the determinatant of the local aether field, this common velocity renders there to be no constraint (a potential difference or  a velocity resistance?) between the two bodies. In the transmission of light within a local aether there being no constraint, there is no Bradley aberration. When a ray of light crosses over so many local fields and enters local solar aether field (before entering the earth's locl aether field at the instant of incidence).. So it is always the constraint (potential difference?) between the solar field and the geo-centric field that comes into play in Bradley aberration (as witnessed from earth), no matter where it has originated.from. This constraint is maximum when the velocity of the earth is perpendicular to the direction of incidence and becomes zero when they are co-linear.

john-erik persson

Jan 29, 2009, 9:11:18 AM1/29/09
to Viraj Fernando, NPA
Dear Viraj
It is good that we have the same opinion. Do not be upset about that. I have written my same opinion in papers to NPA since 2005.
About the terminology: stellar aberration means observing stars, lunar aberration is observing the Moon and planetary aberration is observing planets.
Best regards.......................John-Erik

Viraj Fernando

Jan 29, 2009, 9:47:26 AM1/29/09
to, NPA
Dear John-Erik,
Thank you for your response. I am glad that we are moving towards a common point of view in regard to the hierarchy of local aethers etc.
We however, need to be cautious about the terminology being used because we have to work in relationship to two areas, namely mainstream physics and astronomy. There is borrowing of terms from one to the other and their vulgarisation going on. If we try to take  some terms (like planetary aberration) in their literal meaning taking them on their face value these can be misleading and create misunderstandings. We must have clear and standard definition for each and every component of aberrration so as to avoid misunderstandings on account of vague and impressionistic references being made to these.
I am so thankful for Tom Miles for sending me the "Explanatory Notes to the Astronomical Ephemeris", which helped me to understand what these various components are. I shall forward the same for your reference separately.
Best regards,

From: john-erik persson <>
To: Viraj Fernando <>; NPA <>
Sent: Thursday, 29 January, 2009 9:11:18

Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flandern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight

Dear Viraj
It is good that we have the same opinion. Do not be upset about that. I have written my same opinion in papers to NPA since 2005.
About the terminology: stellar aberration means observing stars, lunar aberration is observing the Moon and planetary aberration is observing planets.
Best regards........................John-Erik

--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Viraj Fernando <> wrote:
From: Viraj Fernando <>
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Tom Van Flandern and Non-Aberration of Moonlight
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 5:56 PM

John Erik,
As said before, you are saying the same thing on which Tom and I concurred about 'aberration' as used for the purpose of astronomical telescopy.. Namely, that  although Bradley aberration which is the phenomenon related to earth's motion is non-existent in the case of the Moon, there is an independent residual component due to Moon's motion relative to earth. What we in NPA call "Bradley aberration",  is called by astronomers as "stellar aberration" and it is not only restricted to stellar objects, but also to objects in the solar system. The other teeny weeny residual aberration is termed by astronomers as "correction for light time".
For the purposes of astronomical telescopy:
Total aberration = Bradley (or 'stellar') aberration + correction for light time(due to motion of the source relative to the observr)
When we in the NPA-chat discuss 'aberration' with reference to STR and indeed what Einstein himself has referred to as 'aberration' is the Bradley aberration component only. We tend to disregard the adjective "Bradley" or "stellar" and call it baerration.
Therefore in our discussions relating to STR  to bring in the residual component is to throw a red herring and to casue an unnecessary fuss and a distraction for no purpose. Particularly when this matter already has been given due consideration.
Best regards,

From: john-erik persson <>
To: Viraj Fernando <>;
Best regards............................................John-Erik

--- On Sun, 1/25/09, Viraj Fernando <> wrote:

Jim Marsen

Feb 1, 2009, 12:36:42 PM2/1/09
to NPA Members Chat Email

Stellar aberration is a phenomenon that deserves more attention.


It confounded physicists trying to mathematically define ether as a fluid using 19th century fluid dynamics.  In particular, it led to the assumption that ether was an incompressible fluid which could not be reconciled with the concept of entrained ether.  This opened the door to the acceptance of Special Relativity.

However aberration does not contradict entrained ether:  the stellar aberration takes place at the boundary of the Earth’s local sphere of ether and the Solar system’s sphere of ether.  This is discussed in section 1.3.1 of Petr Beckmann’s Einstein Plus Two.


On the other hand, stellar aberration presents one of the clearest contradictions to Special Relativity.  This is seen in the aberration of short period binary star systems.  Special Relativity predicts that the aberration should also depend on the transverse motion of the orbiting stars relative to the Earth.  However no such aberration is observed. This is convincingly presented by Prof. Howard Hayden in Stellar Aberration, Galilean Electrodynamics, 4. pp. 89-92 (1993).  You can find it on page 28 of



Jim Marsen




Stephan Gift

Feb 1, 2009, 3:55:57 PM2/1/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Thank you Jim for this information.
Stephan Gift

From: on behalf of Jim Marsen
Sent: Sun 01/02/2009 01:36 PM
To: 'NPA Members Chat Email'
Subject: [NPA Chat] Stellar Aberration

Tom Miles

Feb 1, 2009, 4:04:06 PM2/1/09
to NPA Members Chat Email

Dear Jim,

I regret I don’t have access to a copy of Beckmann’s book.  Is it possible that you have a scan of the page(s) that describes his stellar aberration model that you could send to me?

Best regards,

Tom Miles







From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Marsen
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 9:37 AM
To: 'NPA Members Chat Email'
Subject: [NPA Chat] Stellar Aberration


Stellar aberration is a phenomenon that deserves more attention.

Feb 1, 2009, 10:36:26 PM2/1/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Jim:
Your are absolutely right: stellar aberration remains a very important phenomenon that we should not lightly discard. Some years ago the NPA was involved in deep considerations about it; even Franco Selleri from Italy intervened. But I don't know what was the outcome or why we stopped discussing it. A few months ago I made an extensive survey of many optical experiments to see in which of them (c-v) and (c+v) show up or do not show up and, of course, stellar aberration, being most conspicuous when c and v are perpendicular, has a lot to tell us. I just re-read the article in GE you mentioned, by Hayden (1993), and it is really a beauty. I didn't know, by the way, that light aberration can also be observed with planets. This is surprising to me. It destroys the reason I had to explain why terrestrial aberration is not observed, in contrast to stellar aberration. I always attributed this difference to the fact that the source, in star light, is practically a "point", from quasi-infinite distance, whereas on Earth any luminous source is necessarily finite, and then, many rays can enter the telescope in various angles. By "ray substitution" there would be always one that can enter the telescope without having to tilt it, in spite of the continued motion of the Earth after the light left the source. We cannot say that terrestrial light aberration, where both source and detector are fixed to the Earth, does not occur due to the lack of relative motion. That is what SRT likes to say. But Hayden clearly shows that relative motion between source and telescope IS NOT NEEDED for aberration to occur. The aberration angle is the same FOR ALL stars, independently of their proper motions or their relatives motions with respect to Earth. So why, then, terrestrial light aberration does not occur? My solution was that stars are practically "point-like" sources, where terrestrial sources are not. But this seems to be contradicted now by the fact that planets also show aberration, in spite of being finite sources, ie., we can tell the diameter of a planet. They are not "point" sources like stars, (that is why stars "twinkle" while planets do not, in spite of their light passing by the refracting atmosphere in both cases.)
We shall follow the trend of these thoughts.
Thanks for your pointing out the importance of stellar aberration.
Francisco Muller
-------------- Original message from "Jim Marsen" <>: --------------

David Tombe

Feb 2, 2009, 1:12:39 AM2/2/09
Dr. Marsen,
               I recall that I had some correspondence with the late Prof. Beckmann in the early 1990's. We had some agreements and we had some disagreements which may be recorded in Galilean Electrodynamics.
              I seem to remember that the main point of agreement was that the luminiferous medium was entrained in the Earth's orbital motion up to a distinct cut-off line. In my opinion, this cut-off line is the gravitosheath boundary where the Earth's gravitational field gives way to the gravitational field of the Sun. This is not a gradual tapering off effect as was apparently envisaged by George Stokes in 1845. It is an absolute boundary. The luminiferous medium in my opinion is much as Maxwell described it. It is a rigid sea of molecular vortices, solenoidally aligned along their rotation axes, such that the rotation axes trace out magnetic lines of force.
                The problem with Maxwell's model was that he didn't have any sinks or sources for his vortices. If we replace Maxwell's electric particles with a single electron in mutual orbit with a single positron, with the electron being an aether sink, and the positron being an aether source, then we will have the basis for a physically active molecular dipolar vortex. The Earth's gravity will of course entrain this sea of molecular vortices in its orbital motion around the Sun.
             Stellar aberration will of course occur at the gravitosheath boundary as a matter of course. There shouldn't have to be any debate about the matter. It is unfortunate that the misinformed opinion that an entrained aether approach conflicts with stellar aberration seems to prevail amongst most physicists. This misinformed view seems to be traceable back to Lorentz, who didn't even have a model for the precise nature of the luminiferous medium.
            The entrainment approach has also been dismissed on the grounds that the luminiferous medium would have to have solid properties to support transverse waves, yet also have liquid properties at the shear line where it gives way to the Sun's gravitational field.
            That is actually quite possible within the context of a solenoidally aligned vortex sea. The molecules tend to keep fixed positions relative to each other, but their orientation and angular momentum H, swivel and vary in line with changing magnetic fields. At any shear line, there will be repulsive centrifugal aether pressure in the equatorial plane of the vortices which will oil the large scale planetary motions.
                             David Tombe


Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 12:36:42 -0500
Subject: [NPA Chat] Stellar Aberration

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David Tombe

Feb 2, 2009, 1:22:34 AM2/2/09
Dr. Muller,
             The distinction which you draw between terrestrial light sources, in comparison with planetary and stellar light sources is that the terrestrial sources are shielded within the entrained region of luminiferous medium. The Earth's gravity entrains a region of luminiferous medium right up to the gravitosheath where the Earth's gravity gives way to the Sun's gravity.
            There will be no aberration observed for light sources that are inside the gravitosphere. Stellar aberration occurs far out at the gravitosheath.
                            David Tombe

Tom Miles

Feb 2, 2009, 11:51:04 AM2/2/09
to NPA Members Chat Email

Dear David,

You are sounding a bit like Al Gore… there certainly needs to be a debate on the matter until someone satisfactorily explains HOW ether drag and stellar aberration can be compatible.

Best regards,

Tom Miles




From: [] On Behalf Of David Tombe
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Stellar Aberration


Dr. Marsen,

David Tombe

Feb 2, 2009, 12:14:21 PM2/2/09
Dear Tom,
             Yes. But as per our private discussions, I would have to reply to the extent that the starlight travelling through the solar entrained region of aether will automatically be aberrated when it strikes the moving interface with the Earth entrained aether. It will be as in any case where a projectile hits a moving target. The moving target will perceive the projectile to have come from a direction which is aberrated from its true direction, and the aberrated angle will be a simple product of the vector triangle that involves the two relevant velocities.
            I would be much more surprised if no aberration took place on crossing the boundary.
                                     Best Regards
                                           David Tombe

Tom Miles

Feb 2, 2009, 12:46:55 PM2/2/09
to NPA Members Chat Email

Dear David,

You have accurately described the ballistic theory of stellar aberration; there is little debate about the compatibility of those concepts.

David Tombe

Feb 3, 2009, 1:20:18 AM2/3/09
Dear Tom,
             A ballistic theory of light does not have to be to the exclusion of a wave theory of light. I believe in wave particle duality in relation to EM radiation.
             There are important aspects pertaining to the link between displacement current and the electromagnetic wave equation which necessitate the involvement of a medium for the propagation of light waves.
            An aether entrainment approach is fully compatible with a ballistic explanation for stellar aberration at the cut off line.

john-erik persson

Feb 3, 2009, 8:38:14 AM2/3/09
to NPA Members Chat Email,,
Dear David Tombe and Tom Miles and NPA people
When light moves from Sun's ether (=0) into Earth' ether (=v) the vector describing motion to the wave-front changes from c to c+v in the original frame, but in the new frame it is =c. Therefore, the orientation of the wave-front is conserved. In other words: the same change is forced on all points on the wave-front, and orientation is conserved. I have stated that in papers to NPA every year since 2005. Aberration is caused by the difference in observer velocity, and this is the same for autonomous and entrained ether. A telescope is blind to transverse component vt and only longitudinal component vl is relevant so the telescope can see only c(1+vl/c). Aberration is caused by the time delay between focusing and detection in a telescope. Aberration is silent about the ether-wind and model.

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, David Tombe <> wrote:

Best regards,

Tom Miles



Jim Marsen





MembersChat mailing list

john-erik persson

Feb 5, 2009, 5:16:43 AM2/5/09
to NPA Members Chat Email
David T, Jim M, Tom M and NPA people.
No, you apply a projectile behavior on a wave motion. When ether-wind changes from zero (sun) to v (earth) light's behavior is changed the same amount all over the wave-front. Wave-front is conserved in orientation. v is the motion of an entity, but c is the motion of a behavior. This means conserved wave-front. I have repeated that to NPA since 2005. Stellar aberration is silent about the ether-wind. This was Einstein's most important mistake.

David Tombe

Feb 5, 2009, 1:33:43 PM2/5/09
             Just as you say, I have always maintained that stellar aberration is silent about aether wind. It will occur whether we have aether wind, aether entrainment, or no aether. It doesn't matter whether we have a ballistic approach or a wave approach.
             The principle is simple, and it involves only two speeds. c and v, where v = 30km/sec.
              This simple principle can be applied at an entrainment boundary using either a wave theory or a particle theory, and it can apply as per Bradley at a telescope on the Earth's surface with an aether wind theory, or without an aether.
              I have never known such a simple topic to have caused such prolonged confusion over a period of 100 years.
            In my own model, I apply projectile theory inside the wave mechanism at the interface of the Earth entrained aether with the solar entrained aether. The wave mechanism involves an effect which goes from one rotating unit to the next. When it comes to a moving rotating unit across the interface, then the propagated effect is aberrated as per standard vector addition.

                                                 Best Regards
                                                     David Tombe

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 02:16:43 -0800

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