[NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles

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Robert Beck

Jan 8, 2012, 7:43:26 AM1/8/12
to NPA Members Chat Email

Dear Colleagues,
As some of you may recall, I was complaining of pain whilst writing my paper for last year.  I thought that it was arthritis or a circulatory problem.  Scans done recently, however, indicate prostate cancer that has spread into the pelvis,spine and other areas.
Strange as it may seem, this is yet further evidence to add to that contained in my paper of last year, and the subsequent evidence regarding superluminal neutrinos, that God guides me to predictions that evidence later suggests could be true.
If you turn to page 96 of the autobiography on my website (a part written in 2004) you will see that I recalled a strange dream.  If anyone is old enough as me to recall old two-pin light fittings still used when I was a boy in the 1950s you may know that some were 'Y' shaped, allowing multiple connection from one outlet.  Being a horder of anything that might prove useful for something, I still have a box containing a few of these, some now in bits.  In my dream, I was checking to see how many can still be connected together.  I was pleased to find more than I thought that still did, but a voice told me to keep going, which I did until 30 were connected, at which point I awoke wondering why I should dream anything so illogical.  I have nowhere near that number of fittings and connecting so many would be both pointless and dangerous.  In my autobiography I recalled that the next thing to come into my mind was, "Be a light for my sheep."  Since then, however, I have more acurately recalled that this command happened three time in succession, each time prededed by the question, "Do you love me?" to which my reply then had to be, "If you exist, then of course I love you", because at that time, in the early 1980s I was still very much on the fence on God's existence.
As I had been suffering many panic attacks then, and desperate for relief from regular feelings of imminent death, I was happy to accept that this might mean that I had 30 years left, until I was aged 64, but I suspected that the experience may have been a construct of my own mind based on a book I had read, in which following a miraculous healing, a vision of 25 glasses of water was interpreted to mean 25 years left to live, which was confirmed in the book to be correct.
So here I am, aged 64 looking at evidence of yet another prediction given by God being possibly correct, but knowing that if so, then the awesome miracle reported in the book could well also be true.  I summarised it in a recent email as follows:
"Demos' youngest Sister, Florence had been thrown from a vehicle onto hot tar.  Bones were shattered but surgery was not possible because of extensive burns to her back, and sharp fragments of bone were putting vital organs at risk.  Her body was kept immobilised by weights.  Demos had enlisted the help of a great preacher and healer called Dr. Price, but he seemed to also sense a great presence.  He said that the room seemed more crowded somehow, I think by the presence of many angels.  During the healing the weights swung about, the last thing you would think Florence needed.  But Florence knew she had been healed, as the X-ray room crowded with amazed doctors, nurses and lab, technicians confirmed the next day."
One of the bones shattered into many pieces was Florence's pelvis, clearly much more of a challence than what is wrong with mine.  So with all the evidence that I have presented to explain the physics of miracles, and knowing that even for God, prediction of future events can only be a question of probability, which can be altered by our free will, I believe that complete cure is still possible if that is now God's will.  And I have to tell you that other amazing things stemming from a UFO sighting I reported in 2008 do possibly point in that direction.
But I need to draw attention to other matters that may affect the outcome that could help some of you, and possible many others if the knowledge is passed on.  I have attached documents regarding something which may have helped me already.  On 30th November, I had kidney pain so bad that I threw up for the first time in many years.  Before my scans my doctor suspected kidney stones, so I significantly increased my intake of asparagus, and within two weeks the pain had gone completely.  My other pains have also reduced to the extent that I can now cope without any pain killers, and manage to spend all morning sitting to write this.
I would never have learned of this, nor of certain technologies that may also help me, but for my decision to trust God completely in 2003, which put me back into science.  Thanks to that, and other astonishing 'coincidences' such as being drawn to Dr. Robert C. Beck for obvious reasons, and noting that Royal Ramond Rife and I share the same birthday, with other help, I have obtained devices based on the work of both.  What I need to pass on is that Rife's technology in particular is explainable by the model of particle structure I have worked out, and so is the low energy dissociation of water.  My rotating rings within rings explain why force carrying 'particles' (actually rings of many particles becoming spirals) are emitted at specific frequencies.
Whether or not I can continue to try to be a light for much longer, I hope that some of you will have been helped or guided in some way, and that the passing on of knowledge and understanding may ultimately prove to be a blessing of infinitely greater value than my physical healing.
Robert F. Beck

William Day

Jan 8, 2012, 3:18:22 PM1/8/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
   There is a cure for cancer you and everyone should know about. It is dichloroacetate (DCA).   You can learn about it at http://shouldyoubuydca.org, or google it for articles. You would think this is what the world is looking for. It is simple, cheap, no side effects, and it works. That is the problem, it is simple and cheap. It can't be patented so no pharmaceutical company is going to do clincial trials on something they can't make a lot of money on. The FDA won't give approval without clincal trials, and doctors in the U.S. can't use it. Some doctors in Canada have started to use it. Increasingly, people are buying it on their own and self-medicating.
   You should look in on this.
                         Best regards,
                                              Bill Day

From: rober...@ntlworld.com
To: membe...@worldnpa.org
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 12:43:26 +0000
Subject: [NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles
_______________________________________________ MembersChat mailing list Membe...@worldnpa.org http://worldnpa.org/mailman/listinfo/memberschat_worldnpa.org

Stan Brown

Jan 9, 2012, 12:01:29 AM1/9/12
to membe...@worldnpa.org

That is bad news, indeed. One option you could consider is to enroll in a clinical trial. Medical science, unlike physics, is advancing rapidly, and at any given time there are clinical trials in progress that increasingly are beginning to offer some hope. You believe in miracles, and a clinical trial might give a miracle a chance to happen. An article titled: "Few physicians refer patients to cancer clinical trials" points out that you probably can't count on your doctor to put you in a trial - you have to take the initiative yourself to research your options. See http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-02-physicians-patients-cancer-clinical-trials.html

"Although more than 8000 clinical trials are accepting participants, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), only an estimated 2%% of newly diagnosed cancer patients participate in them." Some trials have more hope than others, so it helps to research the biological theory behind the treatment.

Also, to a certain extent, I agree with Bill. (DCA) dichloroacetate is worth looking into. I wouldn't call it a cure, but there is definitely some hope that it might work - a lot more than asparagus or glutathione. You will find a very balanced discussion of DCA here: http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2010/05/12/potential-cancer-drug-dca-tested-in-early-trials/ and another realistic appraisal of it here: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2010/05/dichloroacetate_dca_and_cancer_deja_vu_a.php

The gist of it is that preclinical work in cell culture and rodent studies was quite encouraging, but only one phase I clinical trial in humans has so far happened, and that enrolled only five patients. The results were encouraging, but inconclusive. It just isn't known yet if DCA actually helps, although the theory is extremely good, and the preclinical and early clinical work are promising.

DCA is something you should learn more about, as well as your full options for clinical trials.

Good luck, Robert.


From: wda...@hotmail.com
To: membe...@worldnpa.org
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 20:18:22 +0000
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles

Robert Beck

Jan 10, 2012, 6:22:11 AM1/10/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:21 AM
Subject: Physics, health & miracles

Dear Stephan, Curt,  Carl, Jose, Lou, Bill & Stan,
I hope that you will not mind me expressing my thanks to you collectively at this stage.  I have to avoid long spells at the computer and am in the midst of various medical appointments.  All offers of help are greatly valued in the sense conveyed below as part of my email thanking someone else:
"And I am constantly reminded of the joke about the man of great faith left struggling to survive in the ocean after his small boat had sunk.  He had such faith in God to save him that he refused help from someone in a small dingy, saying, "It's OK, God will save me."  And then he said the same re offers of help from a passing liner and a helicopter.  Surprised at finding himself in heaven, he said to God, "I had absolute faith that you would save me"  God replied, "Well, I tried; I sent you a dingy, a liner and a helicopter!"
All the science I have learned suggests that God is its own creation which is the evolving universe, so that God is not a separete entity but in all things we experience.  Thus God only works though his creation, which in my current situation, could be you, medical professionals, others offering advice, or someone who seems guided to pray for me in astonishing circumstances.  I will not turn up my nose at any offer of help."
I hope to comment more on specific advice soon.
Best wishes to you all,
Bob Beck


Jan 11, 2012, 5:48:30 PM1/11/12
to NPA Members Chat Email


>>>God replied, "Well, I tried; I sent you a dingy, a liner and a helicopter!"

Obviously did not try hard enough. If tried harder would have given the chap more sense. Such a god not being perfect must therefore be an impostor?

Sorry to hear you are unwell

>>>God only works though his creation

Really? well as supposedly part of that creation; my input is -  All that medical professional stuff based on building on mistakes.

The unified field theory was presented to us in 18th century by priest Father Boscovich, about a field of self-organization that can interpreted by some as influence of God. For some reason or other, human race decided to ignore that; freedom of choice I suppose.

Best wishes

--- On Tue, 10/1/12, Robert Beck <rober...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

From: Robert Beck <rober...@ntlworld.com>
Subject: [NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

Robert Beck

Jan 12, 2012, 4:36:43 AM1/12/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
Thanks Roger, I will ask God if it is possible to give you more sense.


Jan 12, 2012, 7:01:15 AM1/12/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
Some things are impossible, so that must disprove God.


Robert Beck

Jan 12, 2012, 9:41:39 AM1/12/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
Well I just asked God, and He did not say it was impossible to give you more sense.  A Jewish sounding voice seemed to say, "Don't try my patience on the miracles already!"
But hopefully you do have the sense to see that neither this joke nor the last was true. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles

Some things are impossible, so that must disprove God.


--- On Thu, 12/1/12, Robert Beck <rober...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

From: Robert Beck <rober...@ntlworld.com>
Subject: Re: [NPA Chat] Fw: Physics, health & miracles
To: "NPA Members Chat Email" <membe...@worldnpa.org>
Date: Thursday, 12 January, 2012, 9:36

Thanks Roger, I will ask God if it is possible to give you more sense.

Robert Beck

Jan 12, 2012, 10:33:00 AM1/12/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Stan and Bill,
So far I have been offered a randomised trial, but then neither I nor my physicians would have any say in what extra might be tried, which could be nothing up to chemotherapy.  I mentioned dichloroacetate, but the Doctor I spoke to was not letting of if she had even heard about it.
I thought about that trial, because the advancement of science is important to me, but as I have been offered help in possibly getting a paper published in PE, that I think may ultimately benefit mankind considerably more, I have decided to try that, as at the moment I am almost pain free, before something that may stop me working.
But I will look at the sources you have kindly provided so that I can further press the case for that if need be.
But I do have strong reasons for thinking that God has guided me to a healer, who I will be seeing on Saturday.  A MRI scan is scheduled after that, so it will be very interesting to get that result.  The inventor of MRI scans, Pierre-Marie Robitaille, once asked me for my opinion, so I will be able to thank him at last, even if the result is not what I hope.
We are so fortunate to live in this time of great scientific advancement.  And I know that so much more is possible, if only mankind were less bent on self destruction.
Take care, things may get much worse for everyone before they get better.
Bob Beck

si wells

Jan 20, 2012, 8:33:18 PM1/20/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
My research thus far indicates that the actual aetiology for cancer growth was discovered in 1931 by one Dr. Otto Warburg-- for which he was later awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine. Dr. Warburg found that ALL cancer cells are obligate glucose metabolizers: in other words, in order for cancer to develope, grow, and metastasize, blood sugar (glucose) levels must be sufficiently concentrated to enable cancer cell division. Glucose is their only energy source, without which they cannot survive. My hypothesis: eliminate glucose from the blooodstream by eliminating glucose-forming substances from the diet (principally carbohydrate), and the cancer cells will readily experience apo-ptosis (cell death) under guidance from the immune system. I encourage all NPA members to research this matter.
S.I. Wells

Robert Beck

Jan 22, 2012, 4:34:34 AM1/22/12
to NPA Members Chat Email
Dear Dr. Wells,
I am very grateful for this.  I had heard from a possibly less authoritative source that sugar feeds cancer cells.  Your information prompted me to find the following in support and amplification: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817184539.htm
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