We meet every two weeks. Last week's city council protest fell on what
would have been our meeting dates, so we've slipped a week. This means
that the next meeting is tomorrow (Monday 12th March). The next
meeting will then be Monday 26th March.
Meetings start at 7.30pm and are held at the International Community
Centre, Mansfield Road. Meetings are usually finished before 9pm and
there's often an opportunity to carry on any discussion informally in
the pub afterwards. Please do come along and get involved.
On Monday 5th March Nottingham City Council met to agree its 2012-13
budget, with £20m cuts, 195 job cuts and a 3.49% council tax hike.
Notts SOS protested outside.
We're disappointed - but not surprised - by the vote, but this is not
the end of the campaign. This is the fourth year in a row the city
council has cut its budget and they already expect to slash a further
£24m by spring 2015
Press release: http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/2456
Nottingham Indymedia coverage: https://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/2457
After serving notice on Occupy Nottingham, a week earlier, Nottingham
City Council served court paper on the camp on Tuesday 3rd March.
The case is to be heard from 10am on Tuesday 13th March at Notttingham
County Court, 60 Canal Street, Nottingham.
An increasing amount of activism takes place online, this can be very
effective, but it also carries a number of risks and potentially
leaves you vulnerable to surveillance.
On Saturday 17th March, Nottingham Indymedia are running a session at
the Sumac Centre exploring how you can communicate securely online,
defend your
anonymity and evade state repression on the internet.
Communicating securely is everyone's business. Even if your activism
is super-fluffy, you can help make the internet safer for everyone by
adopting good security practices.
If only the people doing spiky things used these practices, they would
attract attention just by doing so. Get into the habit of doing things
securely before you really need to and you will be a thorn in the side
of the surveillance state.
There will also be a chance to look at how to use the Nottingham
Indymedia site to publish your own stories from the streets.
The skillshare is at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street,
Nottingham NG7 6HX and begins at 2pm.
Details: http://nottingham.indymedia.org/events/2413
The Save Sherwood Forest campaign are organising a ramble on Sunday
18th March to celebrate World Forest Day and mark a year of
campaigning to keep the Public Forest Estate in public ownership.
They’re hoping for a good turn out to show that people are still
passionate about keeping Sherwood Forest & Sherwood Pines in public
ownership and that this is the best way to protect our forest heritage
for the community and future generations.
They will be meeting by the big notice board mid-way between the car
park and the Visitor Centre/Café at 10am for a 10.30am start. Sherwood
Pines is off the B6030 near Old Clipstone, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
– the post code is NG21 9JL.
The walk will be accessible to all and will feature interludes by Dave
Wood - the Nottinghamshire poet - and members of the Clarion Choir. It
should be over by 12pm-12.30pm, just in time for Mother’s Day Lunch.
Details: http://nottingham.indymedia.org/events/2442
Save Sherwood Forest website: http://www.savesherwoodforest.org.uk
Monday 12th March, 7.30pm
Notts SOS planning meeting. International Community Centre, Mansfield Road
Tuesday 13th March, 10am
Occupy Nottingham court hearing. Nottingham County Court, 60 Canal
Street, Nottingham
Wednesday 14th March
National student walkout over "reforms" to higher education
Thursday 15th March
Nottingham Solidarity Network meeting
Saturday 17th March, 2pm
Nottingham Indymedia are organising an online security skillshare at
the Sumac Centre.This will include an introductory session on using
Indymedia to post your own news about campaigns
Sunday 18th March, 10am-12pm
Save Sherwood Forest ramble to celebrate World Forest Day and mark a
year of campaigning to keep the Public Forest Estate in public
Wednesday 21st March
Budget Day
Monday 26th March, 7.30pm
Notts SOS planning meeting. International Community Centre, Mansfield Road.
Wednesday 28th March
Possible national strike action over pensions by PCS and NUT (and
maybe other unions)
Saturday 12th April, 2pm
Legal observer training organised by Nottingham Defence Campaign and
run by Green and Black Cross. Held at the Sumac Centre
Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS)
Website: http://nottssos.org.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nottssos
OStatus: https://indy.im/nottssos
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/nottssosfb
Nottingham Indymedia: