Hi Miro,
Hope you are well. Latest Windows gtk working well, but mainly using Linux distros these days, so NCP mainly there too.
Can we have an .hjt export feature please? Brcause:
* It is most used for import of outliner trees still
* Only OPML used more but there are many OPML formats & most fail with no inline data or inline data in header or blank etc. So basically OPML is very flakey for import export. If only everyone used your OPML version.
So .hjt is still most used, then a third is keynote, specially for Mac people.
If you have time please give us Treepad export.
Your keynote export code can be used & changed, with clues from your .hjt import code?
Many apps and types (notes etc) and platforms apart from Windows also use it for outliner import. I could use it on a few apps on Android then export from them for spreadsheets, mindmaps & other app types to import into.
Because of OPML varities (versions beyond 1.0 + multi implementations) it is not universal, even if the committee formed last year trying to implement a unified format, it will take years and many apps never will hear of it. And as .hjt developer passed away & it is not changing, more apps types are adapting it for import export.
So I think it is a necessity for export. Will save me converting keynote to hjt + most who do not know anyway. I can convert dozens of types to others, via various apps, but i think for NCP, treepad export will be a key need anyway.
Hope everything going well and thanks again.