Knitted Head of Edmund Bacon (and others) featured on ARTBLOG

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Sep 10, 2008, 7:36:16 PM9/10/08
to Noshi Knitting Monograph Series
Hello, member of the NOSHI Knitting Monograph Series mailing list:

We acknowledge that we have not published a new NOSHI title in
something like sixteen months, and that we have not sent a message out
to this list in nearly a year. But, then again, we did say that we
would strive to keep the quality of the writing in the NOSHI series
high by avoiding the filler inevitably bourne of deadlines... and, you
can't possibly claim our mailing list has been a problem for your

The fact is, new titles ARE in the works, but in the past year and a
half, one of us has started a new business and one of us has become a
mother, and we have, therefore, been busy.

New titles ARE IN THE WORKS. And in the meantime, for those of you who
read NOSHI #1:"The Impulse Is Fulfilled: Design of Cities and Knitting
the Head of Philadelphia City Planner Edmund N. Bacon", we at the
NOSHI series thought you might like to know that this knitted head,
and others, were featured on the acclaimed ARTBLOG, which is the labor
of love of art critics Libby Rosof and Roberta Fallon. Named a top art
blog by "Art in America" magazine, the recent post "Amber Dorko
Stopper's Handmade Philadelphia" shows more of where the "Knitted
Philadelphians" project has been going. Find it here:

Also note that prices for PDF versions of NOSHI monographs are still a
$2 flat rate, because nobody's had the time to question why they
weren't always that cheap in the first place. So check out the
available titles and do not kid yourself that they are the last of
them. They are not.

Anyone with an idea they feel is worthy of the series is still welcome
to contact us at and request a CONTRIBUTORS'

Best to All,

Lisa R. Myers & Amber Dorko Stopper
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