execute all tests, even in the event of failure

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Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior

Apr 25, 2018, 9:17:54 PM4/25/18
to nose-users
Hello folks,

I'm new to this list, and already did some testing and TDD with Nose.

Today I faced a scenario that I want to validate a project artifacts, but don't want the testing to be stopped at the first failure: in fact, I want that all tests to be executed and the results presented in a single report.

For example, I have 10 files. I want to test all of those files, instead to stopping at the first file that didn't pass.

My first attempt was to execute the tests trapped between a try..except block, but doing that makes Nose to think everything went OK.

Tried to use generators too, same result.

Is there any way I could test every file? Or I will need to loop over them and execute notests separated?


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