Nosetests.xml is empty

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Curtis Salisbury

May 6, 2014, 9:10:55 AM5/6/14
I have a quick question that I hope someone can answer. I am trying to setup a Windows Jenkins box and when I run my tests I am not getting any results. 
I am using xunitmultiprocess and nose together, and when I run the tests the nosetests.xml is completely empty. 

I am running tests through Jenkins on a windows box. In my "Execute Windows Batch command" portion of the project configuration I have the following command:

nosetests --nocapture --with-xunitmp --eval-attr "%APPLICATION% and priority<=%PRIORITY% and smoketest and not dev" --processes=4 --process-timeout=2000

The post build actions have "Publish JUnit test result report" with the Test report XMLs path being:trunk\automation\selenium\src\nosetests.xml

When I do a test run, the nosetests.xml file is created, however it is empty, and I am not getting any Test Results for the build.

I am not really sure what is wrong here.

I ran the tests with just --with-xunit and REM'd out the --processes and got test results. Does anyone of problems with xunitmp not working with a Windows environment?

I unstalled an reinstalled nose and nose_xunitmp to no avail.

Our old Linux Jenkins box is running the tests just fine. Our IT department needs to repurpose that machine for other uses which is why we have the Windows Jenkins machine. 

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