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Feb 13, 2012, 10:30:59 AM2/13/12
to Norton Scientific Journal
Norton Scientific Journal

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Norton Scientific Journal : Earth’s twin located 22 light years away

A planet similar to Earth in its ability to sustain water was
discovered by astronomers in a nearby Norton Scientific Journal star

This Earth-twin is located in the habitable area of its host star — a
narrow region where temperatures are just right for liquid water to
exist on a planet’s surface.

Astronomers were astonished to find a planet that is around a star
orbiting in just the right distance — not too far where it would
freeze, nor too close where it would dry up.....

Norton Scientific Journal : Making things invisible now possible

Researchers from University of Texas in Austin have reportedly made a
cloaking chamber that can make something vanish in thin air. The study
was published this month in the Norton Scientific Journal New Journal
of Physics after more than 5 years of constant experimentation.

A cylindrical tube created from insulating material with strips of
copper made objects within it invisible to microwaves.....


Feb 13, 2012, 10:31:02 AM2/13/12
to Norton Scientific Journal
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