Greetings to all KEOs, and felicitations at this festive time of year!
After literally years of work, I’m very pleased to announce that the Society has updated waivers for equestrian activities. I claim no credit for this accomplishment - all credit and thanks for a huge amount of work go to Mistress Eowyth, and to the work on review and acceptance on the part of the Office of the Society Seneschal and the Society’s in-house counsel, Patrick Anderson.
Details are as follows:
In order to reduce the amount of paperwork required at equestrian events, a new “combined” Waiver and Consent to Participate form has been created. This new waiver is only to be used for those events where an equine is present.
All attendees are required to sign this waiver, including members who have a blue card. This form is applicable to equestrian events only, because it is both the equestrian waiver *and* the general site waiver (combined into one). This eliminates the need for those without a blue card to sign multiple waivers at events with equines. Everyone just signs this one form.
The equestrian insurance policy has not changed.
For those states that do not have equine liability laws (as of October 2017 that includes California, Maryland, New York, and Washington D.C.), the use of the Society Standard combined waiver is required.
All states must showcase the appropriate Warning signs on site, with at least one to be at the equestrian field and one at the event check-in location (i.e. Gate/Sign-In/Troll). These signs can be purchased online through appropriate vendors or created following the appropriate requirements.
If there are no equines, standard participant waiver procedures apply. Refer to the Seneschal’s Handbook if you have any questions.
For those Kingdoms that include the waiver language on their gate forms, please contact Mistress Eowyth and she will help in updating your forms appropriately.
Forms can be downloaded from the SCA’s Library of Documents at you have any questions regarding these updated waivers, please contact Mistress Eowyth (, Master Terafan - the Society Equestrian Officer (, Master Alan - the Society Earl Marshal (, or Master Antonio - the Society Seneschal (