Farm Bike Tour/Harvest Festival

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Stephanie Aman - Just Food Co-op

Sep 11, 2013, 1:54:01 PM9/11/13
to, Betsy Gasior, Brenda Ward, Brianna Rose Wilson, Carleton Student Activities Office, Colleen Braucher, Corey Butler, Jr, Dick, Ellen Drews,, Griff Wigley, Jacie Smith, Jessica Paxton, Kathy Zeman, Local Food Action Network, Manitou Messenger, Manitou Messenger, Patsy Dew, Ross Currier, Scott Peterson, The Carletonian, Tim Freeland, Todd Thompson
Hi all!

I'm really hoping that our community will get behind this.  I'm attaching a press release from one of the St. Olaf students who is helping to organize this year's Farm Bike Tour.  It's an amazing celebration of our local foodshed and this year we all came together to have one big community event that pairs the bike tour with Just Food's Harvest Festival - Farm Bike Tour/Harvest Festival 2013!

The students have done an absolutely amazing job of sourcing funding for this and organizing all of the details and I hope that you will find the time to run this article in your newsletter/paper/promote the heck out of it.  It's truly a big community event - free to the public - all organized by our college students in this community.  I think it's a huge testament to their love, care, and concern for our local foodshed. 

If anyone wants to come out and cover the story on Saturday, September 28 - PLEASE let me know.  The star trib picked it up last year - we'd love to see the local community be supportive of it too. 

Stephanie Aman
Marketing and Member Services Manager
Just Food Co-op
516 Water Street S
Northfield, MN  55057
P: 507.650.0106

Farm Bike Tour 2013 press release-1.docx
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