Sign-up for Minnesota Master Naturalist class!

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Kathy Zeman

Feb 25, 2013, 5:59:57 PM2/25/13
to Kathy Zeman
Minnesota Master Naturalist Courses offered in Southeast Minnesota, Spring 2013

If you are an adult with a strong interest in the natural world and a desire to become involved as a volunteer in support of our natural resources, consider becoming a certified Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer. Through a mix of in-class instruction, field trips, and activities, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills for exploring the natural world. Participants will meet one evening a week for eleven weeks and two all-day Saturday field trips. Participants also design and complete a small group service project.  The course fee of $200 includes all instruction, a resource book with required readings, course materials and field trip transportation. If the course cost is a hardship please fill out the scholarship application found on the Master Naturalist website.

For more information about the Master Naturalist Program, including how to register, go to

Quarry Hill Nature Center in Rochester, MN.

Tuesday evenings 6:30 to 9 pm plus two all-day Saturday field trips between March 19 and May 28, 2013.

This 40 hour course will focus on Minnesota's prairies, a habitat once common in much of Minnesota, including the Rochester area. The course will be based at Quarry Hill Nature Center, located in a 320 acre park on the east edge of Rochester. Join instructor Kirk Payne for a survey of local geology, native and restored prairies, prairie birds and mammals, prairie pothole wetlands, as well as cultural information.

Whitewater State Park, St. Charles, MN

Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 9 pm plus two all-day Saturday field trips between March 13 and May 22, 2013

This 40-hour course will focus on Minnesota's deciduous forest ecosystems. Participants will learn about the unique landscape and ecosystems of the picturesque bluffs and ravines of southeastern Minnesota. Join Whitewater State Park Naturalist Sara Grover for an examination of  the plants, animals, history, geology and ecology of Minnesota’s riverways and deciduous forests.

For more information about the Master Naturalist Program, including how to register, go to

Please forward this to anyone who may be interested. Thanks!

Andrea Lorek Strauss
Extension Educator,  Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Education
University of Minnesota Extension
863 30th Avenue SE, Rochester, MN 55904
phone 507.280.2868 or 888.241.4536,  fax 507.280.2872



Erin Meier, Director
UM Extension SE Regional Sustainable Development Partnership
The Experiment in Rural Cooperation

Office: 507-536-6313  Cell: 507-272-1956  Fax: 507-536-6311
UM Extension SE District Office, 863 30th Avenue SE, Rochester, MN 55904-4915

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