Our 2023-2024 North Texas AMS Chapter Season

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Steven Martinaitis

Sep 15, 2023, 2:16:55 PM9/15/23
to North Texas Chapter of the AMS/NWA
Hi All,

We are getting ready to kick off our new season next Tuesday, and we look forward to seeing you all during the year!

We are making a few changes to help strengthen the future of our chapter. The first is the change in start time. We will be conducting our meetings around lunch time this year. Next week's meeting will be at noon. The second is the location of where we are holding our meeting. This year, we will be splitting between the NCTCOG and our local National Weather Service office.

It is a privilege to be able to host some of our meetings at the NWS. It is an operational government facility with active weather operations. Please be mindful of this and note the arrival times for the meetings. As David has written, please show up after 11:45 AM for our first meeting next Tuesday. The conference room will not be available until then.

I look forward to hearing from our speakers this year and seeing what we have in store. And I hope you do, too.

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