Fwd: Big win for Westmoreland water!

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Feb 28, 2024, 1:02:57 PMFeb 28
to North Central PA Forum

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From: Bob Donnan <donnanl...@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 28, 2024, 8:53 AM
Subject: Big win for Westmoreland water!

Kudos to the Lisa Johnson legal team and 3 Rivers Waterkeeper!

PA DEP Withdraws Permit Application for CNXM Slickville Trunkline Project

"On February 26, 2024, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) withdrew a permit application for the CNX Midstream (CNXM) Slickville Trunkline Project. The proposed CNXM Slickville Trunkline Project included two natural gas lines that would transport hazardous and radioactive oil and gas waste."

Read more along with the comments (PDF) here:  



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Fracking NOW!

Someone just emailed with updates on the fracking going on in Cecil Township, Pa. Those who are on FaceBook can follow up-the-minute posts, while below is a sampling. Apparently, a large group of township residents plan to air their grievances at the township meeting on Monday March 4th.

We first became aware of this well pad when our neighboring township received an Act 14 notice. At that time, I mapped out the well laterals using Google Earth, and found that at least one extended 3.8 miles, reaching all the way into the Southpointe Business Park in Canonsburg.

While we’ve seen both Range and EQT use electric-powered hydraulic fracturing arrays (the electric frac pumps are powered by a fossil gas powered electricity generating turbine onsite) the ongoing fracking at this Augustine well site is using diesel powered frac pumps.

Diesel powered frac arrays typically consist of about seventeen 2,500 horsepower frac pumps, that run full blast 24-7, and use “hot fueling” to refuel the pumps without shutting them down. This technique has led to fires in the past, as you might imagine, since safety warnings, even on small engines like your lawnmower, warn against refueling a hot engine, let alone one that is running!

I’ll let Michelle tell the rest of the story via her blog below. She’s one of the residents in a new housing plan that ended up with this Augustine well pad between the Maronda plan and Bedner’s Garden Center, off Route 50, just WSW of Bridgeville, Pa…


2-27-2024 post:

The Night's Watch - Cecil Twp

We know now that a lot of residents are complaining about noise, vibrations and truck traffic from the Augustine and Bernard Shultz well pads. Something that is not mentioned nearly enough is air quality.

Based on condition put forth by on the Bernard pad, Range is forced to conduct air monitoring. They are not required to at the Augustine Pad. I am attached two screen shots, one of the air quality monitors at my home 500’ from the Augustine pad showing the air quality in warning ranges, and one from the Bernard Schultz site showing “concerning” levels. Since we don’t have any actual air monitoring this pad we use our own. These monitors don’t measure exactly what is in the air – but rather the overall quality. You can see the high levels at my house compared to neighboring air monitors. Its pretty easy to see how poor the air quality is next to a well pad compared to busy Mt Lebanon.

The screen shot from Bernard Schultz is measuring what is actually in the air. I had evaluated by a friend that understands these readings. Their explanation was that these reading are “concerning.”

Now Range Resources has published an air study that they performed during the first phase of drilling at the Augustine well site between 7/2019 and 12/2021. Their overall findings were “The Augustine well site did not contribute to elevated increases in potential health concern for either PM2.5 or VOCs”

Fast forward to today. Range is no longer conducting an air quality study at the Augustine well pad. And we know why. During the 2019-2021 study Range was using electric generators. Range has admitted to us during conversations that they are now using diesel generators at both sites. Not only do diesel generators cause (shocker) much more noise than electric generators but they also are a primary contributor to poor air quality. Range Resources excuse was that their hands are tied. There is a patent lawsuit pending on electric generators…(not an exact quote just my summation).

However, while discussing this with friends in the industry we were told it was basically an excuse. ELECTRIC generators are the industry standard, not diesel. Looking deeper, new regulations by the EPA and DEP are set to go into effect over the next years. Could all of this be a result of them trying to get everything in under the wire before they are forced to comply?

Even though Range Resources continues to claim to be a “good neighbor” they admit even in their own 2023 Annual Report that changes to the EPA and DEP could “adversely impact” their bottom line.

“These laws and any implementing regulations may require us to obtain pre-approval for the construction or modification of certain projects or facilities expected to produce air emissions, impose stringent air permit requirements, or use specific equipment or technologies to control emissions. We may be required to incur certain capital expenditures in the next few years for air pollution control equipment in connection with maintaining or obtaining operating permits and approvals for emissions of pollutants.”

And concluding that “Compliance with these or any similar subsequently enacted regulatory initiatives could directly impact us by requiring installation of new emission controls on some of our equipment, resulting in the need for additional permitting and introducing potential permitting delays and increasing our capital expenditures and operating costs, which could adversely impact our business.”

Range Resources is NOT concerned about your Health, Safety and Welfare.

PLEASE attend meeting on March 4th to express your concerns and help us get the ordinances changed!

The third picture is of the Augustine site yesterday emitting something into the air…wish we knew what it was.

-Michelle Stonemark


For many reasons - I have held back from posting about what’s happening to us living close to the Augustine pad. Mostly because I incorrectly assumed that Range would help this time. Which they did not. Since drilling re-started on the Augustine well pad my family and I have suffered so many sleepless night. It’s not always noise- sometimes it’s flaring, sometimes it’s what feels like a vibration in our homes and in our chests- which I’ve been told is from low frequency noises that are not stopped by “sound walls” or even concrete.

We’ve also had nights of pure fear where several residents reported smelling gas in Cecil, Range is flaring on the pad and I was wondering if I needed to evacuate my children. Ask Range. They got my petrified phone call.

When I complain, I’m called a liar. That I’m exaggerating and I’m told it’s not that bad and it’s only temporary. I’m told that I am bitter because I don’t have mineral rights.

This is what we went through during 2020 when like everyone else we were trapped in our homes from Covid with no where to go and Range was allowed to keep drilling. It affected our sleep, caused massive headaches. My kids grades suffered as well as other health issues that are too personal to discuss here.

The township is doing what they can this time. Supervisors Casciola, Fisher and Egizio are doing what’s in the limited power.

Lately I’ve seen posts on other sites, people complaining about constant heavy truck traffic, loud noises and the sound of an airplane landing on their homes. That’s because there are now two large pads in production. Bernard Schultz and Augustine with a third one to begin later this year. It’s comforting to know that more people are coming forward. There have been 911 calls out of concern for safety.

Ranges solution for us was two fold. 1 they offered us $500 for our inconvenience. And 2 they offered to put my family of five in a hotel when it’s bad. The problem with that is once I accept the 500 (which is frankly an insult) we sign away our rights. The problem with the hotel? They work almost primarily at night. So by the time it gets bad I’m asleep and the noise and flaring and shaking begin. Plus a family of 5 in a hotel? How is that making my situation easier or better?

Last night was the last straw for me. They flared ALL night as seen on several videos I will post in comments. You can hear the clicking (like a gas stove) and then it flares and makes a loud BOOM! Which you can hear in the video. Every boom shook my house to such an extent we were all awake and scared.

I can not stress enough how it feels to be frightened in your own home. It’s supposed to be the place where my family feels the safest. And it no longer is. We don’t know when they’re going to drill, or flare, or anything.

Please know the following: My family has never EVER accepted money from Range. But more importantly I’m not against this type of activity in the right areas. I’ve said this from the day I began this long fight with the township. It has NO BUSINESS in residential areas.

South Fayette Township and Peters township have effectively zoned drilling activity out of their respective townships. That limits Range to drill HERE. They are not going away. They have the right to continue to drill on these pads because our ordinances are so poorly written that Range can continue to return to these same well pads as long as they want and keep drilling. All they have to do is notify the township.

(Bob's comment: Actually, they need to frac every township in SW Pennsylvania to continue producing this finite resource into the future, with many forecasts calling for 50K to 100K wells in the northern tier and western parts of the state of Pennsylvania, once it's all said and done. It's called "the drilling treadmill" --since wells decline so fast. They have already drilled-out all the 'sweet spots' that yield the highest production. Even with the addition of larger well pads, with as many as several dozen wells each, these sites are still ending up close to one another, about 1-mile apart.)

There is a hearing at 6pm on April 3rd to discuss the changes we want to see. I URGE you to contact the township with your concerns in writing prior to that hearing.

Please feel free to DM me or this page if you have questions for me. I’m an open book.

-Michelle Stonemark



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