From: Kevin Richardson, HHN <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 4:39 PM
Subject: Tomorrow: Live webinar on fracking's water impacts
Hello, Tomorrow (Wednesday) you're invited to a new webinar about how much water fracking wastes, its impacts on watersheds, and how local communities are fighting back. The event will focus on Pennsylvania and discuss similar issues in Colorado and California. ✨ Wasted Water: The Impacts of Fracking's Water User from Pennsylvania to Colorado →Register Here, Wednesday, August 30th Already registered? Share this email with at least one person and ask them to sign up too! Can't join? Hit reply to this email and send us your question for the speakers and we'll make sure it gets answered in the Q&A. Best, Network Discussion | Facebook | Twitter New to Halt the Harm Network? Set-up your profile in the Leader Directory |