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Reply by Chickie on August 9, 2009 at 9:39pm
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When I lived in Salem, Massachusetts my apartment was haunted. At
night I would hear heavy footsteps in my apartment walking on my hard
wooden floors. It was very loud and at times the heavy steps would
enter my bedroom and awaken me. At times, my wooden spindle back
dining chairs would get dragged across my wooden floors. It would
create a terrible noise of wood being dragged as something heavy
weighed the chair down. I would awaken to find my chairs moved and
scratch marks on the floor. Often the smell of cigarettes was present
as well.
Reply by Chickie on September 1, 2009 at 9:31pm
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I moved to Salem, Massachusetts from New York City in July 2001. The
second night in my new apartment, I was awake very late. It had to
been around 2:30 am. I heard a terrible crash outside and saw an
incredible car accident outside my window, just feet away from where I
stood in my bedroom on the ground level - people were rushing out of
their homes to aid the victims. I called 911 and reported the accident
and said a prayer that all were okay.
The next evening, night three in my new apartment, again at 2:30 am
there was yet another accident. It felt like deja vu. It felt surreal.
Once again, I called 911 and reported the accident that happened right
in front of my bedroom window.
I found this very odd as I lived on a main road but there were no
dangerous intersections and at that hour of the morning maybe one car
would pass over half hour or so.
It was not a good sign to a new beginning in a new state, new home,
Shortly thereafter, at 2:30 - 3am - a few times a week - I would hear
heavy footsteps in my apartment on my hard wooden floors. It sounded
like someone was in my place! I had a baseball bat next to my bed for
precaution (NY ways) and the first night it happened I put on the
lights and the foot steps stopped. I was scared to death that someone
was in my place! I took my bat and searched everywhere in my
apartment, closets, every room, under furniture, etc. There was nobody
in my place.
The next morning I woke up and thought about what I possibly could
have heard?
I lived in an apartment that had no neighbor attached to any side of
me, except upstairs. I went to visit my upstairs neighbor. She was a
small older woman, a widow that was petite and athletic - who took
excellent care of herself, ate well, slept through the nights and was
very decent and considerate. I could not imagine her wearing heavy
work boots and stomping around with big heavy feet on her floor at
night. This could be the only possibility from where the noise was
coming from, with the exception of the basement below me, but that was
concrete. It was unexplained.
As time went by this occurrence happened once or twice a week. The
footsteps would enter my bedroom and I would wake up and the room
would be cold (in the dead of summer). I knew a presence was watching
me, but what could it do to me? So I just said "Shut up and stop
walking so heavy, you are waking me up!"
I guess I pissed whatever it was off because now it began to do more
irritating things in the middle of the night. It would take my wooden
spindle back dining chairs and drag them across my wooden floors
making a horrible noise. It was very disturbing. A few times I would
run out to my dining room and find my wooden chairs moved.
Keeping in mind, I lived alone I found this very curious but it was
obvious that whatever or whomever this was, meant no harm onto me.
I moved from the apartment in 2003 but those heavy footsteps and
noises still haunt my consciousness to this day.
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Permalink Reply by Leah Arends on October 20, 2009 at 7:23pm
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My coven and I were doing a ritual on Samhain and we wanted to do some
ghost hunting in the cemetary near where we were doing our ritual. We
don't have any good equipment or anything so we had a tape recorder,
flashlight, and a camera. We were taking photos and we started getting
a lot of the orb type shaped lights around this headstone. Picture
after picture there it was. As we were packing up and walking back to
the car, I stopped at that headstone to see who was burried there.
Turns out, the person who was burried at that headstone, died that
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on October 20, 2009 at 9:05pm
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During the summer, Miss Vivian and myself went to visit her father's
grave at the cemetery. She was casually speaking to me about a
potential love interest and questioned if I felt that this guy was for
real or full of it? I suggested she ask the spirits for the answer.
Miss Vivian stepped out towards the road and addressed the spirits and
asked for their guidance and input regarding the potential lover. She
asked for them to deliver the message through wording on the
At that point, she felt pulled. She got pulled and stumbled over
grass, tree roots, rock piles, around trees and past headstones.
Her body language was unique. As I recollect watching her get pulled,
her hand was raised about to the height of her chest and extended
about a foot from her body. In her hand, dangled a pair of sunglasses
that she had just removed from her face once she started stumbling.
Her wrist hung limp but her arm was firmly pointed in the direction of
which she was being pulled.
I walked up ahead of her and watched her. It was then apparent for
sure that something was pulling her. I pointed out her body language
and she too was amazed that she was being led by the hand!
She was pulled for about several minutes to the other side of the
cemetery. She was weaved between headstones, all the way to the back.
When she was stopped, she stood before a headstone that read, "LOVE".
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 1:35pm
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I'd be cautious about what type of entity/spirit is doing this to you.
Most departed people don't possess this type of power to physically
touch/ push us (it takes a lot of energy from their side). Usually a
darker entity (non-human) are more at work than a "ghost". Take care
and listen to your inner gut about what this thing is. If it makes you
feel un-easy, watched, worried, etc. most likely it is not a good
spirit (they bring serenity, peace and love). Do a banishing ritual or
action to get rid of it.
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Permalink Reply by kimmy vd br on December 2, 2009 at 2:37pm
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Sinds a couple of months i hear a baby cry in the middle of the
night.I know it's not one of my own kids because i checked and they
are always asleep. But the most freaky part is that i feel like im
pregnant again and i feel a baby kick me from the inside. I know it
are not my bowels because i know how it feels when your baby kicks you
while in the whomb. Sometimes it freaks me out... I try to communicate
with the baby but i cant seem to understand him/her. Sometimes i can
feel the baby kick against my hand if i put my hand on my stomack if i
hear it cry again. It's wierd to hear it cry and feel the baby inside
my body kicking against my hand. Does anyone know what it means?
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 1:38pm
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Many infants have died in the past due to poor health care/ nutrition,
etc. so you could easily have gotten a "ghost-baby" naturally
attracted to you since you are already a mother. Visualize your
holding this baby, give it love and comfort, guide it up to the
heavans, and with warm, loving nature, help it cross to the other side
to rejoin its loved ones.
keep trying - 1st time isn't always a charm. visualize, visualize,
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Permalink Reply by Tristin David Miguel Duarte on December 9, 2009 at
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I have been through a lot of ghost experiences, most of them sound
like what you would see in a movie.
One of my true stories is about my brothers toy robot, (most of my
stories happened a long time ago) It was an old builder robot; it was
pretty big for a toy. It would always do things it was not suppose to
and say things it was not programmed with, it would turn its head
towards us, it would throw stuff off of it if something was covering
it, all while its batteries were out. It was one messed up toy.
Another one of my true stories is about a little girl, I first knew
she was in my house when me and my brothers were just sitting on the
couch watching T.V. when out of know where we hear a little girl
saying MOMMY coming out of our garage. We looked in it and there was
Another one of my true stories is about a ghost that actually attacked
me, I woke up in the middle of the night, I did not know why I woke up
I wasn't too hot or cold or anything, but I was a bit thirsty, so I
got out of my bed and went into the kitchen. I glanced at the clock;
it was 11:48 pm. I didn't think anything of it. Once I got my drink I
was sipping it while staring into my living room and just out of
nowhere a huge man, or a shadow of a huge man, appears with a sludge
hammer I saw him jump up and hit me on the head with it, I only felt
like a pebble had hit me, but I still got the crap scared out of me.
Another one of my stories is about another ghost attack, but this time
in a dream. I was having a random dream one night about a big black
figure chasing me and trying to kill me. A few nights later I was
getting ready to go to sleep and I saw my cat jump out of my closet I
looked in it and saw the same figure, then it vanished.
I have a ghost living with me now; I call him Prak because he is a
prankster. He always tries to scare me, by scratching at my wall, or
moving stuff, or just making weird noises. But I know he does not wish
to harm me.
Not all the ghost I have seen are bad, I use to know a ghost named
Greg; he was 32 when he died, he hung himself after seeing his wife
and daughters slaughtered bodies in his house. He was cool, he would
always talk to me and my brothers, once we offered him a chip out of a
bag and he slowly grabbed one we were able to see the bag move and
then 3 chips flew out, creepy but cool. My mom asked him to not follow
us to are next house (she was scared of him) because he might have
been planning to.
I am 13, I shave, I date, I have acne, and I am afraid of the dark.
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 1:50pm
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you have a lot of ghosts in your life, because obviously you are
intuitive and they are attracted to that. Guess what? it won't go
away, and you should develop it in order to deal with it (yes, some
ghosts - mostly negatives can physically attack you and cause you harm
- including mental)
The first story - (I'll be brief). everything is electro-magnetic
energy - you me, and the ghosties. this is why they like to play with
lights, drain batteries, create cold spots, since they have no bodies,
they play with sources of energy. they suck energy to manifest (since
they have no bodies), so they need energy to do stuff - move, flick on
the tv, etc.
However, with your brothers' toy (let me correcty assume is was his
favourite and played with it a lot - left a lot of his energy on it) -
something was attracted to it, and started using it as a medium to get
your guy's attention. now, i highly doubt it was a real ghost,
probably (sorry, not meaning to scare), but a lower level entity. they
are around and they like to feed off of human energy (energy vampies.
suckers/ demons/ negatives)...whatever... anywho . . . I'm sure it fed
off of a lot of your guy's fear. best to be rid of entities like that
the others - sounds like pesky ghosts in need of some attention. its'
up to you if you want to deal with it or banish it. probably best to
learn how to tell a ghost to cross over (however, I'm still learning
to do that myself - ha ha!!)
best of luck.
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Permalink Reply by NA Psychic & Paranormal Network on December 13,
2009 at 8:23am
Wow those are amazing stories!!
You should be a ghost investigator with all you have experienced!!!
Tristin David Miguel Duarte said:
I have been through a lot of ghost experiences, most of them sound
like what you would see in a movie.
One of my true stories is about my brothers toy robot, (most of my
stories happened a long time ago) It was an old builder robot; it was
pretty big for a toy. It would always do things it was not suppose to
and say things it was not programmed with, it would turn its head
towards us, it would throw stuff off of it if something was covering
it, all while its batteries were out. It was one messed up toy.
Another one of my true stories is about a little girl, I first knew
she was in my house when me and my brothers were just sitting on the
couch watching T.V. when out of know where we hear a little girl
saying MOMMY coming out of our garage. We looked in it and there was
Another one of my true stories is about a ghost that actually attacked
me, I woke up in the middle of the night, I did not know why I woke up
I wasn't too hot or cold or anything, but I was a bit thirsty, so I
got out of my bed and went into the kitchen. I glanced at the clock;
it was 11:48 pm. I didn't think anything of it. Once I got my drink I
was sipping it while staring into my living room and just out of
nowhere a huge man, or a shadow of a huge man, appears with a sludge
hammer I saw him jump up and hit me on the head with it, I only felt
like a pebble had hit me, but I still got the crap scared out of me.
Another one of my stories is about another ghost attack, but this time
in a dream. I was having a random dream one night about a big black
figure chasing me and trying to kill me. A few nights later I was
getting ready to go to sleep and I saw my cat jump out of my closet I
looked in it and saw the same figure, then it vanished.
I have a ghost living with me now; I call him Prak because he is a
prankster. He always tries to scare me, by scratching at my wall, or
moving stuff, or just making weird noises. But I know he does not wish
to harm me.
Not all the ghost I have seen are bad, I use to know a ghost named
Greg; he was 32 when he died, he hung himself after seeing his wife
and daughters slaughtered bodies in his house. He was cool, he would
always talk to me and my brothers, once we offered him a chip out of a
bag and he slowly grabbed one we were able to see the bag move and
then 3 chips flew out, creepy but cool. My mom asked him to not follow
us to are next house (she was scared of him) because he might have
been planning to.
I am 13, I shave, I date, I have acne, and I am afraid of the dark.
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on January 11, 2010 at 11:30am
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Last night around 2:30am I woke to the smell of burning wood. As I
woke up more and ran around the house looking for fire the smell went
away. I went to get my purse and coat and put them by the bed just
incase. 15 minutes later after going back to bed I smelled a floral
lotion smell... like an old lady. My cat was next to me in bed and
aware that something was present.
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Permalink Reply by Andrew Moir on March 26, 2010 at 3:22pm
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I would love to investigate this sounds really interesting did you
have a loved one that had rose scent , the cat was probably picking up
on something , I find animals do pick up on these sort of things
my group at
http://spirit2009.yuku.com did a recent private
investigation where we had a dog present and it was very "aware" of
the presence of a spirit being , hopefully you will get some answers
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on March 28, 2010 at 8:58pm
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it seemed quite random. wow it would be great if you would share some
of the info from your investigations!
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Permalink Reply by Andrew Moir on March 29, 2010 at 1:10pm
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The most spookiest thing happenend , a couple of months ago , three
investiagators all male we sat with ndigital recorders asking who do
you want to talk to Tony, Andy or Nigel we heard nothing when we got
home and analised the recordings back came a voice and said TONY
Previously some 6 months earlier we had all lost a close friend called
sheila and without a doubt it was her !!!
please this evp at
I would appreciate a comment and maybe a star rating
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Permalink Reply by scott jason george thomson on February 2, 2010 at
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it was in 1995 ina rented farm cottage in st andrews in scotland. my
boss (I used to take care of her children) and I were sitting in the
front room. I dont know why but I asked her if the house was haunted.
she told me that her daughter had seen a figure sitting in the corner
of her bedroom. the daughter hated having her bedroom door shut so
that it was only her and her younger brother alone in the room. the
wholoe house never got warm even when the heating was on.. As we
discussed the bedroom a picture flew off the wall unit in the front
room. it was a picture of the two children. I never liked being in the
house alone as i felt that there was something not quite right about
that place.
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Permalink Reply by Andrew Moir on March 26, 2010 at 3:29pm
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Not nice when this sort of thing happens is it scott , seems like
there was a real nasty spirit present , my feelings on spirits are
that they run a parralel world with ours , thier night is our day and
visa versa , I dont think you have to go a million miles to find
spirits , I believe there are spirits all around us , its just a case
of wether you are in touch with them or not
I have a paranormal Group
http://spirit2009.yuku.com and have
encounterd many spirits , and am never amazed at some of the things
that happen , on our site we have lots of evps and pictures of our
investigations , please feel free to browse our pages
Cheers Andy
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on February 2, 2010 at 8:17pm
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Scott, that is a very heavy experience indeed! Having the feeling of
not being comfortable and the heaviness that goes along with it, just
is not cool. Wow, is all I can say and thank you for sharing!
scott jason george thomson said:
it was in 1995 ina rented farm cottage in st andrews in scotland. my
boss (I used to take care of her children) and I were sitting in the
front room. I dont know why but I asked her if the house was haunted.
she told me that her daughter had seen a figure sitting in the corner
of her bedroom. the daughter hated having her bedroom door shut so
that it was only her and her younger brother alone in the room. the
wholoe house never got warm even when the heating was on.. As we
discussed the bedroom a picture flew off the wall unit in the front
room. it was a picture of the two children. I never liked being in the
house alone as i felt that there was something not quite right about
that place.
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Permalink Reply by scott jason george thomson on February 5, 2010 at
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i dont know if there is anything in this story but I kepp hearing
voices calling out my name. I've heard this for years but i put it
down to the environment at work. maybe its my imagination i dont know.
if anyone can see any spirits in my photo than please let me know. i
feel that I get depressed then in a second I can snap out of it and be
happy again. Maybe i feel that i dont belong in this time but i belong
in the past centuries ago
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 4:03pm
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your reaction to the house is just basic intuitive stuff - nothing to
get weirded out over. You're just sensitive to the ghosties that go
bump in the night. good for you!
hearing your name - someone is calling you silly. whether it be a
ghost, departed loved one, or your guardian spirit, I don't know - I
suggest you answer back, 'what?' you might get an answer :)
however, sometimes the answer comes to you in dreams, symbols or other
communicative means,
your depression is just taking on whatever entities feelings are there
at the time...perhaps a bit of an empath.
nothing to worry about - keep developing your intuition. good luck.
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Permalink Reply by scott jason george thomson on February 6, 2010 at
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how do i develop my intuition. i think maybe ive an over active
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 4:55pm
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I went through this as well. It's hard and takes years to perfect ...
(I'm still working on it myself). Sometimes it is your imagination,
other times it really is a spirit talking to you. All I can say is
practice, and relax (meditation). Sometimes you get a blurp, and you
don't realize it was something important until something happens to
validate it.
I find the harder you try - the worse it gets. Relax and practice.
sometimes I'm most psychic when I'm tipsy with alcohol or just before
falling asleep (mind is altered consciousness) read up on books on the
subject. psi games are good too - try the ions institute. I like their
on-line games.
good luck!
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on February 6, 2010 at 10:41pm
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This conversation has been moved to a more appropriate thread with a
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Permalink Reply by Chickie on February 27, 2010 at 1:17pm
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Calls from Beyond
While searching for verification about a claim about cell phones
exploding while plugged in and charging I found this interesting
article about cell phones and a ghostly claim that was verified on
Claim: A man's cell phone placed calls to his loved ones after his
Status: True.
Origins: On 12 September 2008 at 4:22 p.m. in California's San
Fernando Valley, a commuter train carrying 225 riders collided at a
combined speed of 83 mph with a freight train run by a crew of three.
In what came to be known as the Chatsworth crash, 135 people were
injured (of which 87 were taken to hospitals, 46 in critical
condition), and 25 died.
One of the deceased was 49-year-old Charles E. Peck, a customer
service agent for Delta Air Lines at Salt Lake City International
Airport. He had come to Los Angeles for a job interview at Van Nuys
Airport because gaining work in the Golden State would have allowed
him to wed his fianceé, Andrea Katz of Westlake Village. (The pair had
put off getting hitched until they were living in the same state.)
This would have been his second marriage; Peck had three grown
children from a previous
His fianceé heard about the crash from a news report on the radio as
she was driving to the train station to pick up her intended. Peck's
parents and siblings (who live in the Los Angeles area) joined her.
Peck's body was recovered from the wreckage 12 hours after the
accident. Yet for the first eleven of those hours, his cell phone
placed call after call to his loved ones, calling his son, his
brother, his stepmother, his sister, and his fianceé. In all, his
various family members received 35 calls from his cell phone through
that long night. When they answered, all they heard was static; when
they called back, their calls went straight to voice mail. But the
calls gave them hope that the man they loved was still alive, just
trapped somewhere in the wreckage.
The barrage of calls prompted search crews to trace the whereabouts of
the phone through its signal and to once again look through what was
left of the first train, the location the calls were coming from. The
calls searchers finally found Peck's body about an hour after the
calls from his cell phone stopped.
Charles Peck had died on impact. Yet long past his death, his cell
phone had continued to reach out to many of those he cared most about,
and ultimately led rescuers to his mortal remains. (As far as
investigators revealed, they never found Peck's cell phone.)
Ironically (and tragically), another cell phone may have played a
pivotal role in causing the Chatsworth crash, the deadliest in
Metrolink's history. Preliminary investigation revealed the engineer
running the commuter train had failed to heed a red signal light,
instead impelling his train onto a single track where a Union Pacific
freight train coming the opposite direction had been given the right
of way. According to teens cooperating with the investigation, they
had been exchanging text messages with that engineer as the train left
the station and received a final text message from him just before the
collision (22 seconds before impact, according to the preliminary
timeline worked out by the National Transportation Safety Board).
Barbara "for whom the ma bell tolls" Mikkelson
Last updated: 31 October 2008
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