Discussion on hauntings

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North American Psychic & Paranormal Network

Apr 18, 2010, 10:43:06 PM4/18/10
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Permalink Reply by Tom Stewart on December 31, 2009 at 5:16pm
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If anyone needs confidential assistance with anything paranormal - I
work with a very professional and mature group called R.I.S.E.U.P.
Paranormal. We are also members of the AGS. We're physically located
in New England but often advise people via email or phone from all
over the world. Because of the AGS network we can almost always put
you in touch with a trustworthy paranormal research group in your
We do not ever charge any money and we are not psychics or mediums. We
are all professionals in one way or another and we take a scientific
approach to the paranormal field.

Please feel free to email me directly at T...@riseupparanormal.com
Visit our website at www.riseupparanormal.com
Our video documentary of an investigation can be viewed at:

Thanks, TOM
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Permalink Reply by Debra Bosarge on January 6, 2010 at 11:06pm
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I am seeking any type of advice on possible poltergeist activity,
ghosts, angels, orbs, possible demons, and possible exorcism. About
three years ago I began watching Ghost Hunters Sci-Fi show. I am
extremely interested in the other side and possible afterlife. This
show is a great outlet for my interest.

Three months ago I found an online site, to view 24 hour video
surveilance of the Wilburn Library in Indiana. I was intrigued and
started seeing things that were not normal human behaviors. The
Library has cameras up because it is famous for hauntings and they are
free to view. Ghost Hunters asked them to put up these cameras so that
the public could help them find proof of these hauntings. I have seen
ghosts or apparitions standing on top of turnstyle bookshelves, books
standing on end, faces of humans in the books, huge golden orbs in the
room and many more sightings of entities.

Since then I feel that I have developed an unusual "power" to see them
in pictures I read about this "gift" in a book there is a name for it
I can't remember now. Since this started I can see them in many
pictures and now it has progressed to the point that they are in the
walls, bookshelves at my home and even outside. I see them with my
naked eye and I take pictures around the house and they are in the
pictures too. At first I was excited thinking that this is a great
gift to be able to see them but over the last few weeks this has
turned into a nightmare.

I can't sleep because they are staring at me, and when I do fall
asleep I feel them touch me through the blankets and they wake me up.
I can feel them close to me because the room temperature drops to
freezing. The other day I was sitting on the couch watching tv, I felt
a warm sensation on my arm, accompanied with pins and needles feeling
and I pulled my sleeve back to look and there was a scratch mark that
I know was not from anything else.

The day after that I was cleaning my ears with a Q-tip and I felt
something jab it into my ear puncturing my ear drum, it took two days
before it would stop hurting. My feet feel numb and very cold, as if
there is a heavy weight attached to them, this is the last straw, I am
really freaked out now.

I cannot stay at home anymore I am currently staying with my daughter
until I can find a way to feel safe enough to go home. Can anyone help
or suggest something that I can do to deal with this. I do have an
appointment with a Shaman in a week and a half but what should I do
until then? Is there anything that I can do?
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 1:58pm
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Sounds like your extreme interest has caused you to open up and
attract spirits to you. However, your experiences are negative, and
so, I have to say, so are your "visitors". They are bothering you to
feed off of your negative emotions. It will be like a snow-ball effect
- which will continue downward.
You can banish them by telling them firmly that you do not want
anymore contact with them (shut the door). You can do this by saying
it aloud, writing them a letter, write it in the air - whatever.
Also, change your life to change your energy - are you down,
depressed, un-happy? Clean up or get rid of house clutter "de-clutter"
your life. Think positive and listen to happy music.
Negative entities want to feed off of negativity and fear - clean that
up - and they have to go feed elsewhere.

Also - negative people have negative entities that follow them around
- get rid of negative influences/ people in your life.

best of luck to you.
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Permalink Reply by Tom Stewart on January 7, 2010 at 4:46pm
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Hi Debra my name is Tom I work with a paranormal research group and
have studied for year about some of the paranormal events you are
experiencing. If you would like someone to talk to I would be happy to
try and help you figure out what is going on and perhaps recommend
some courses of action to help remedy it. Please email me directly if
you like and I will do my best to help put you at ease.


Debra Bosarge said:
I am seeking any type of advice on possible poltergeist activity,
ghosts, angels, orbs, possible demons, and possible exorcism. About
three years ago I began watching Ghost Hunters Sci-Fi show. I am
extremely interested in the other side and possible afterlife. This
show is a great outlet for my interest.

Three months ago I found an online site, to view 24 hour video
surveilance of the Wilburn Library in Indiana. I was intrigued and
started seeing things that were not normal human behaviors. The
Library has cameras up because it is famous for hauntings and they are
free to view. Ghost Hunters asked them to put up these cameras so that
the public could help them find proof of these hauntings. I have seen
ghosts or apparitions standing on top of turnstyle bookshelves, books
standing on end, faces of humans in the books, huge golden orbs in the
room and many more sightings of entities.

Since then I feel that I have developed an unusual "power" to see them
in pictures I read about this "gift" in a book there is a name for it
I can't remember now. Since this started I can see them in many
pictures and now it has progressed to the point that they are in the
walls, bookshelves at my home and even outside. I see them with my
naked eye and I take pictures around the house and they are in the
pictures too. At first I was excited thinking that this is a great
gift to be able to see them but over the last few weeks this has
turned into a nightmare.

I can't sleep because they are staring at me, and when I do fall
asleep I feel them touch me through the blankets and they wake me up.
I can feel them close to me because the room temperature drops to
freezing. The other day I was sitting on the couch watching tv, I felt
a warm sensation on my arm, accompanied with pins and needles feeling
and I pulled my sleeve back to look and there was a scratch mark that
I know was not from anything else.

The day after that I was cleaning my ears with a Q-tip and I felt
something jab it into my ear puncturing my ear drum, it took two days
before it would stop hurting. My feet feel numb and very cold, as if
there is a heavy weight attached to them, this is the last straw, I am
really freaked out now.

I cannot stay at home anymore I am currently staying with my daughter
until I can find a way to feel safe enough to go home. Can anyone help
or suggest something that I can do to deal with this. I do have an
appointment with a Shaman in a week and a half but what should I do
until then? Is there anything that I can do?
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Permalink Reply by Duane Allan Petcher on March 15, 2010 at 4:25am
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My wife has seen ghosts for years (I cannot) In the last 7 years
"transient" ghosts have visited her nightly, usually never more than
once for each one. These ghosts frighten her. (there are a couple of
ghosts that reside there, and she is used to them). Is there some way
we can keep these wayward ghosts from dropping in on us?
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Permalink Reply by Tom Stewart on March 22, 2010 at 8:36pm
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Hi Duane,

Your situation might be a tough one. There's a good chance your wife
may just naturally attract spirits. She is probably unknowningly very
sensitive and the spirits are attracted to her for this. I'm not sure
it can be stopped. There are things you can do like smudging with sage
or buring scented oils like dragonsblood. But it may not be effective
if she is the conduit.
Your home may also be filled with energy allowing the spirits to
manifest easier. Something like being built on limestone or over
running water can cause the energy flow in the house to be higher than
normal. You may have something in your home, an antique or artifact,
that gives off energy. Perhaps the home itself is some sort of opening
due to past owners using Ouija Boards or conducting seances or
I wish there was more I could say to help. Tell your wife to be more
in control of her home. She is in charge and in most cases spirits
will leave when told to in a confident manner.
If all else fails there are some mediums out there who are able to
close down portals and stop the transient highway of ghosts flowing in
and out of a home.
Please feel free to keep in touch - good luck
-- Tom Stewart www.riseupparanormal.com
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Permalink Reply by randy w on March 28, 2010 at 5:01pm
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i have what seems to be alot of things going on around me in my home
and while at work or on my way home . ive looked for some answers to
what is going on and just not getting what i need ,my wife has noticed
some of the activety as well .that in it self makes me feel like im
not totally insane .this all started long ago I really dont remeber at
what age .but it was just once in a while when i notice something out
of the ordinary..... one thing that comes to mind is at 19 , i was in
the service in korea ,when i was touched i was just getting in to bed
i wasnt drinking or on meds of anykind no one but me in the room.small
things like this seemed to go on every few mo. an unexplained shadow a
touch even what pep call evps .ive allways explained them away as my
imagination .now it seems like the activty is happening more often im
driving home and notice someone in their car that is not there i see
them plain as day but when i get close to the parked car there gone
and i would have notice if they had gotten out . or im home alone and
some thing runs at me i can hear it plain as day but noone is
there .well there is so much more going on then this i really dont
want to list everything down here just reading this makes me feel like
i need a therapist .if anyone has had something simular please list or
some addvice would love to hear it
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North American Psychic & Paranormal Network

Apr 18, 2010, 10:43:58 PM4/18/10
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Effects of White Noise?

Posted by Drea Penndragon on December 15, 2009 at 5:00pm in Hauntings

Ignore what you saw in the movie LOL I'm not talking about that type
of white noise.

There's been questions about the effects of white noise on 'typical
ghosts' and the great range of types of ghosts. I know many in the
paranormal world who call it bunk, and many others who swear that you
crank it up and make it as loud as possible to instigate the spirits
into forming for the cameras.

I'd like to make it clear that I am no expert, as are none of us. If
this was an exact science with experts and degrees to be had than it
would be a legitimate science already. So, with that disclaimer
said ...

I've tried a white noise machine set to a constant droning and had
varying results. In my own investigations I don't like to instigate
spirits or force them in any way. The loudest I would turn it up was
the highest setting on my own moral scale.

I label the scale as:
"Clearly audible throughout room or area"
"Barely audible throughout room or area"
"Lower than range of human hearing in room or area"

My results were as follows -
"Clearly audible throughout room or area"
Causes spirits to feel frustration and gather first in the area and
then scatter. Thus, there goes all possible evidence. You may get
something from the basic first few minutes of turning it up, but why
cause bad energy and make them leave?

"Barely audible throughout room or area"
Curiosity ensues and the evidence is mostly of the photographic type.
You will get an increase in orbs in your photos (genuine orbs - be
very careful of how to identify dust, moisture, etc and take
environment into account for any analyzing you do.) In the right type
of haunting environment, your photos may show vortexes when it was
difficult to get those there in the beginning. It seems to strengthen
what ever may have shown up in the photos. I had it set to this at the
old Central City Belvidere Theater in Colorado where the ghosts are
pretty in-your-face and wound up with a full figure apparition photo.
That photo was tested by Eastman Kodak and certified as a true photo
bearing a full figure apparition. Gods I almost cried with joy when I
saw that LOL The owner of the property, when presented with all this
identified her as Dolly, one of the former owners. So if photos are
your thing, then this is a good setting.

"Lower than range of human hearing in room or area"
I like this one the best. Photos and orbs are always under scrutiny
and there's massive debates going on as to the truth of orbs and such.
For me the evidence is always much more interesting and wonderful in
EVP form. The white noise turned on but set so low that no one can
actually hear it seems to invite conversations in the spirit world.
I've gotten recordings of full conversations while we were out of the
building entirely for remote recording sessions. In basements in
historical barhouses I get children crying. In an amusement park with
a horrid and violent history I get the sound of a young boy weeping
and begging to be left alone, fully clear and loud in the recorder
while all investigators were on the other side of the park. This
setting is best for any audio work.

Again, I'm no expert LOL But I've been investigating a very, very long
time and I like to test out theories and try new things to see what
enhances evidence and what doesn't. To see what will encourage the
spirits or simply push them away. So, get out and buy a cheap little
sleeping aid machine with white noise as a setting, and experiment
with the results :-) I would love to see if anyone else has success
with this the way I have.

North American Psychic & Paranormal Network

Apr 18, 2010, 10:44:41 PM4/18/10
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Permalink Reply by Tristin David Miguel Duarte on December 18, 2009
at 11:01pm
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I have seen them closely and clearly. One in a closet (It wasn't a
mind trick). My cat jumped out of the closet so I looked and there it
was. haha! FREAKY AS HELL.
I think my old house had mostly shadows, every day I would see people
out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was normal, but then we
moved and I don't see them anymore. Or at least as often as I did. And
another time I think one tried to attack me.
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Permalink Reply by Silver Foxx on February 6, 2010 at 2:02pm
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I've never experienced good vibes or experiences with shadow people/
entities. best to stay away and banish them immediately. tell them
they are not welcome, or shut yourself down psychially from contacting
you in the first place.
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Permalink Reply by Tom Stewart on December 31, 2009 at 5:12pm
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Shadows are beleived to be many different things. Spirits of past
living people, angels, demons, or even visitors from another
dimension. The reason most people see things like shadows out of the
corner of their eye is because all humans have better vision and a
wider range of vision in the corner of their eyes (peripheral vision).
Some people obviously have better vision than others.
Others are also much more intuitive and are able to see shadows when
others can't. However I have never in all my years of research and
observation heard of a shadow that could physically hurt the living.
They can spook the hell out of you thou. But seeing them is rare at
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Permalink Reply by Pantalon on March 20, 2010 at 2:47pm
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I think they may be manifesting more intensely now more than ever
because I think they require the surrounding energy to manifest a
physically observable form. The world is feeling a lot more strife,
anger and general 'evil' compared to the past with our ability to now
share thoughts internationally with the click of a button, and people
being intentionally (and subversively) programmed with those clicks of
a button. If there is more negativity out there in general it would
only make it easier for these shadows to manifest.

There is a prophesy ( I think it is Roman Catholic) that speaks of
demons having more power over the earth toward the 'end of days'. More
manifestation based on the zeitgeist of the world. It says that during
3 days of absolute darkness (the 'end of the world') the only light
that will be produced will come from blessed candles, that those aware
of what is going on must not open their doors or look out their
windows, as these entities will consume the souls of all who disregard
what is Truth. After these 3 days (and it is prophesy... 3 days may
mean 3 years or 300 years...but it is written in a way that leads one
to believe that it is means 3 earth days) we can expect new bodies
(possibility of a dimension shift / DNA upgrade?) a regenerated earth
and peace among mankind. It goes on to say that we will rebuild,
eventually people will forget what we have been through, and probably
go through this cycle 1 more time.

The Aztecs also support a similar rebirth story. The following excerpt
is from this website: http://www.greatdreams.com/end-world.htm

and goes as follows:

The sacred Aztec calendar is properly called the Eagle Bowl. It
represents the solar deity Tonatiuh. The amazingly accurate calendar
has been in use in various forms for more than 2,000 years. A Zapotec
prophecy, based on the Eagle Bowl, states:

“After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of
Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never
before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit
of Men.” [side note from Pantalon: if this statement interests you, it
fits nicely with many many concepts held within Kabbalah]

The 13 Heavens and 9 Hells were each 52 years long (1,144 years
total). Each of the 9 Hells were to be worse than the last. On the
final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of
death, would remove his mask of jade to reveal himself as
Quetzelcoatl, god of peace.

In the mythology of the Aztecs, the first age of mankind ended with
the animals devouring humans. The second age was finished by wind, the
third by fire, and the fourth by water. [100's of cultures have their
own story of the Great Flood] The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-
Olin (Sun of Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will end on
December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction of human existence
on Earth. The date coincides closely with that determined by the
brothers McKenna in The Invisible Landscape as “the end of history”
indicated by their computer analysis of the ancient Chinese oracle-
calendar, the I Ching.

The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch
ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday,
December 23, 2012. Only a few people will survive the catastrophe that
ensues. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny.
In the sixth age, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the
seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.

...any thoughts?... I look forward to them.
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