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Comment by Bonita Summers on February 12, 2010 at 8:19am
Delete Comment Thanks, Clyde. Would you like to give more information
here about the Dream Angel Oracle program?
Comment by ClydeSight Productions on February 10, 2010 at 5:59pm
Delete Comment Thanks Bonita,
Sure, feel free to share the technique with whomever you like, if it
can help them, that is grand. Also, you may (ahem) tell them it came
from the "Dream Angel Oracle" program for dream workers.
Comment by Bonita Summers on February 10, 2010 at 7:54am
Delete Comment Thank you Clyde, for such a thorough and interesting
introduction to your technique. I must try it myself. It wasn't
longwinded at all - just very inspiring! Do you mind if I mention your
technique at my next workshop?
Comment by ClydeSight Productions on February 7, 2010 at 10:58pm
Delete Comment Thanks Bonita,
Okay, this one comes from The Dream Angel Oracle where it appears in
shortened form. I have been working with it and expanded it for more
clarification here. Here goes:
You have a problem or issue in your life and cannot seem to find a
solution. You don't know who to ask or where to turn.
It's usually in your dreams and you can get your powerful and wise
unconscious (subconscious) to help you out during the dream time, and
Process (How To):
1. Before you fall asleep, think of your problem or issue. You don't
have to focus hard on it or 'super concentrate', just have it in your
mind in whatever way you like (visualize about it, remember the
situation, etc.)
2. Think to yourself (or you can say it out loud) "I will receive
guidance and inspiration about this from my dreams." If you can,
'know' that this is true.
You can repeat this two or three times, but even once is enough to do
the trick.
Now just let yourself fall asleep. You can think about anything you
like as you fall asleep, your 'program' has been made by the above
You may not remember your dreams, and that doesn't matter. Dream
powered inspiration will be with you during your waking period (I'd
say day, but not all of us sleep at night). Now it's time to allow
intuition and inspiration take over.
As you go about your activities, or even work on the problem or issue,
be sensitive and aware to any 'feelings' -- impulses or inspiration
that just "pops into your head" and follow it. It may seem crazy even,
but follow it as long as it is safe (don't jump out a window or
anything dangerous like that!) and see where it leads.
Much of the time, it will lead directly to the solution, but
sometimes, it leads to the first step OF the solution, and the next
step will be obvious.
I use this technique all the time. It works for me 99% of the time.
Here is an example of how it worked for me once:
I have a hobby of restoring vintage tape recorders. I had one machine
that needed a new motor assembly and I was about to give up because
there is nothing made any more for that machine. But I used my dream
technique as described above, even though the chances of success
seemed highly unlikely.
I woke up with a very clear vision of a surplus motor and controller I
had seen on a Web site. Then I remembered I had bought such a thing
months earlier out of curiosity and put it away. So I found the part
and looked at my recorder and then just released to inspiration. At
this point, it gets kind of strange.
It was as if I was running on 'automatic'. Although the new part
wiring was totally different from what was in the machine, I found
myself clipping wires, putting in others here and there very much as
if someone was looking over my shoulder telling me exactly what to do
(No, I don't usually hear voices except on tape).
I applied the power to the recorder and it ran perfectly, and it has
ever since. I even made a video about it on YouTube, and it intrigued
some people.
Another instance was when my insurance company refused to authorize
some dental work that I needed. The dentist had sent them a request
for authorization, and they sent me a letter of refusal. I told my
dentist, who could do nothing, and I figured that I'd either have to
come up with the money myself or not have the work done. A painful
situation, as you can imagine. The insurance company was taking
premiums and not delivering when needed!
I thought I should call and complain, but something held me back, a
reluctance. So I used my dream technique. Here's' what I dreamt:
I am in an office trying to fax something but the machine keeps
rejecting the fax. I am about to put the paper in again for another
try and a woman comes by, stops me, and says: "Wait, do nothing". I
wake up.
Well, I forgot about the dentist for a while (except every time I had
a stab of pain, then I remembered clearly enough!) and kept forgetting
to call any one (like the insurance commissioner of my state).
Two months later, I got a call from my dentist asking when I'd like to
make an appointment for the dental work. I said the insurance company
had rejected it. She said, "No, we finally got them to approve it.
Took a while, and we had to be very careful how we approached them,
but now you are covered."
And I got the work done and now my teeth are fine.
If I had started a fuss, who knows what the insurance company would
have done? But my "dream lady" was right, just wait and do nothing was
the correct approach.
Sorry this post is so long, didn't mean to go on, but wanted to show
you that the technique works. Thanks for your patience.
Comment by Bonita Summers on February 7, 2010 at 10:11pm
Delete Comment Please do! An important step on the way to lucid
dreaming is to develop an awareness of dreams and an ability to retain
memory of them. Please share!
Comment by ClydeSight Productions on February 7, 2010 at 10:00pm
Delete Comment HI,
I just joined NAPPN and am learning my way around. I do dream work and
have a very effective dream tip that works for me 99% of the time. Is
it okay to share, even if it isn't specifically about lucid dreams? I
guess, in a way it is. It involves dream programming.
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