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second big issue on my Norrkross-wishlist: filter customiaztion (alongside multi-clip selection)

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Jun 18, 2009, 8:40:12 AM6/18/09
to Norrkross Movie

my one big wish for Norrkross just got a mentioning in the previous
post; and its great to hear from Martin that multiple clip selection
and moving (- grouping?! -) is on the horizon with a future version of
this fabolous piece of software which is beginning to become my main-
video-editor (even though it still lacks some features esp. in terms
of handling larger projects).

here is my econd wish, and the two of them would really carry
Norrkross on the level of real serious editing-tools (surpassing
others in intuition, speed and ease-of-use):

the option to customize filter templates, copy existing filters (or
even combination of filters) fro one clip to another is my second big
at the moment filters are really working like a blitz and the ways to
adjust them really work handy in terms of controll and interface. BUT
it really is a p.i.t.a. to re-apply and re-adjust every filter anew
each time. practically anyone having decided on some filters and
transitions will want to reaply them in more or less the same manner
across the whole project.

so, moving several clips (and things like grouping clips and "closing
gaps" and such) plus easier customization of filters/transitions would
really send Norrkross up two levels – and to a level which really is
adequate or its promise of quality which already is shining in the
existing version!


Jun 18, 2009, 9:07:18 AM6/18/09
I like both of these suggestions. Sometimes I apply some filters to a clip and when I split the clip, the second clip loses all the filters...
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