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re-connect ressource media?! (next upgrade?)

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Sep 13, 2009, 5:59:21 AM9/13/09
to Norrkross Movie

working with Norrkross on a more regular basis one practical but
fundamental question comes up regularly.

is there any way to re-locate media which have been used for a
Norrkross-film-project once they are finished or to point a Norrkross-
project to re-located media-files?

I know this is possible in FinalCut, but haven´t found a way in
Norrkross yet.
this seems very important to me by now, as I have to keep a larger sum
of files in order via (re-)sorting them in my file-system according to
but then - it seems - I lose any chance to re-use my old Norrkross-
projects, meaning I lose all the work I have put into editing.

I hope either there is a way to do this; or otherwise *strongly* vote
for an inclusion of such capabilities with some next major upgrade :-)
[by the way: is there any plan for upgrading? would be curious about
that also ;-)]

thanks already for any hints or reactions!

Martin Wennerberg

Sep 13, 2009, 11:18:54 AM9/13/09

This is indeed planned for the next major update of Norrkross Movie.
That version is still a few months away though. Until then, you can
view the System log (/Applications/Utilities/ in which the
application complains about missing files. Also, the file format of
Norrkross Movie document is somewhat human readable so you can open
the files in an text editor to view and change file paths. Both of
these workarounds are of course quite geeky.

If you put media files in a folder called "Media" in the same folder
as the movie project file, -Norrkross Movie will search it for files
that it can't find in their original places.

Thanks for your patience,

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