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Canvas video without bug ? when?

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michel le Stum

Mar 25, 2012, 3:16:45 AM3/25/12
The introduction of Lion was catastrophic for this software I like to use.....
Two major bugs are very anoying for me
-when you paste a picture, and want to modify the duration, it disapears. So when I paste such a picture I register the model, quit it and re-open the model: then I can modify the duration of the picture. Not very convenient!
-if I quit the model, and re-open it, some other pictures disapear and instead I have a screen with different parallel colored lines (I use png pictures now, I don't remenber if it's the same with jpeg?)
If you consider both problem, it means that if I paste a picture, then open the model, I lost somme other pictures.

RQ: The "automatic save" from Lion is not a great idea of Apple so is the automatic opening of the previous version

The only one question:
at what time is theit a stable version of this software I'm addict to?
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