Young Researcher Crypto Seminar (YRCS) from 27.09.23 to 29.09.23 in Lübeck, Germany

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Claudio Orlandi

Jul 31, 2023, 3:28:37 AM7/31/23
to NordiCrypt
Here is a message about an upcoming event in Lübeck that some of you might find interesting.

Moin everybody,
if you enjoyed NordiCrypt as much as I did, don't want to wait that long for the next meetup and are somewhat "non-faculty", I would like to invite you to the next Young Researcher Crypto Seminar (YRCS) from 27.09.23 to 29.09.23 in Lübeck, Germany.
The seminar aims to give young researchers a platform to present their work and to connect with other people in their field. It is hosted twice a year by alternating universities, so far mostly in Southern Germany as it was initiated at KIT in Karlsruhe. However, the next one will be in Lübeck which is located right next to Hamburg and is thus easily reachable from Denmark.The rough plan is to start the event with a get-together on Wednesday evening, followed by one and a half days filled with talks and networking opportunities.Everyone is invited to give a talk about whatever they like, may that be recent or ongoing work or a research topic that might be interesting for other attendees. We want to stress that this event is a great opportunity to find collaborators, so short pitches about topics you are interested in are highly encouraged. While therefore the length of a talk depends on what is presented, it will probably be between 5 to 20 minutes though this is flexible and can be discussed individually.If you would like to give a talk, please fill out the following form by 18.08.23: if you're unsure about some details like the length of your talk, please fill out the form anyway. This will help with planning, and you can always make changes later.As for registration, fill out the following form by 25.08.23: includes a question asking whether you want to join us for dinner.As this is a free event, please be aware that we are sadly not able to cover the expenses for the dinners.You can also subscribe to our mailing list on our website ( to receive all future announcements.I hope to hear from you soon!
Paula Arnold 
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