Conference Venue

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Carl-Johan Kihlbom

Nov 6, 2008, 4:08:44 AM11/6/08
Hi everyone,

sorry about the lack of updates here. I've been busy starting a new
company. Exciting stuff, but lots of work.

The good news...

Anyway, I've been looking at venues and found one that I like. It's at
the tech university here in Göteborg, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. The
main room is a large auditorium, with all the tech we need and a
technician on hand to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Along with that we can have an exhibitor area and a couple of smaller
rooms for people who want to sit down and hack, and a room for the

Price for the main room and four smaller rooms is about 43.000 SEK per
day. Exhibitor space is 1.500 SEK per exhibitor and day. Food and
drink is about 250 SEK per attendee and day.

I've attached more info about the venue to this message. Any thoughts
on the venue?

The bad news...

I'm way to busy to be doing this now, but I really like the idea. The
problem is that we're running out of time, so I need help. Before we
go out looking for sponsors and speakers I'd like to be sure that the
event will happen, but I can't do it alone. So I need volunteers that
can help out.

Does anyone want take charge of the program? Sending out a request for
proposals, selecting the speakers, etc...

Does anyone want to take charge of the web site? Ole Christian Rynning
mentioned that Aslak Hellesøy created a Ruby/Radiant-extension called Ba
( I have a designer who has
volunteered to do the design.

There's a ton of stuff to do, and I'm not sure we can get it done in
time. What do you guys think?

Best regards,

Carl-Johan Kihlbom

Carl-Johan Kihlbom

Nov 6, 2008, 4:11:40 AM11/6/08
to Nordic Ruby
On Nov 6, 10:08 am, Carl-Johan Kihlbom <> wrote:
> I've attached more info about the venue to this message. Any thoughts  
> on the venue?

What I meant to say was that I've uploaded the info to the File
section of this group:

/ CJ

aslak hellesoy

Nov 6, 2008, 7:39:09 AM11/6/08
Don't use Ba - it sucked for us.

Ole Christian Rynning

Nov 7, 2008, 4:56:38 AM11/7/08
What Aslak means is essentially that Ba introduces too much complexity and bleeding edge software, so he was the only one smart enough to extend features. The main problem was using Radiant -- which had no version control on pages and radiant tags did not turn out to be very smooth for content handling together with ba...  It is also not feature complete - it was designed as a strict demand-driven application, and we had to do many operations directly on the database due to the complexity in the implementation techs.

We have decided to create a new solution for next year, and we haven't really gotten started yet :/

On a sidenote: I saw a rails rumble project the other day that might be interesting to draw some ideas from at the least (voting for speakers)... 

I am interested in hearing about the format you consider for NRC... Will there be lightning talks / kucha pecha sessions as well as longer talks? Will there be open spaces? Will you have confreaks filming the sessions?

You should definately get started on contacting sponsors, accepting abstracts, early-birds and booking the venue asap! Perhaps I can be of assistance in contacting potential norwegian sponsors?

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