Stay with a local

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joost baaij (space babies)

Mar 28, 2011, 2:05:13 PM3/28/11
to Nordic Ruby
Hej Göteborgare

RailsConf last year had a "stay with a local" program where residents
from the area made their spare bedroom available for conference
attendees. I will be going to Nordic Ruby this year, and was wondering
if anybody might consider doing the same.

I prefer to house-swap with people by way of vacation, and have had
great success doing so in the past.

As reciprocation I can offer my home in the center of Amsterdam ( near
Waterlooplein, see also ) at a later date. Also,
someone to talk to going to and from the venue. I'm a fairly typical
RoR coder so we can discuss Vim plugins and the like...

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