The Tango Dancer

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Bruno Ingemann

Nov 11, 2014, 11:13:40 AM11/11/14
Inquiries in visual memory no. 11 - Autumn 2014

As a dancer you experience the Argentine tango as intimacy, immersion and contact – feelings and experiences that is difficult to find in the traditional and very stereotype images. They are overall characterised as seen and depicted from the outside. ‘We’ are looking at a couple that take a characteristic posture in rather exaggerated positions.

In this series of project to come in the category – Tango_Inside – I try to investigate the Argentine tango as a dance characterized by the movements the dancers experience as seen from the inside, as participants, and not from the outside as an observer. This concept leaves many interesting questions.

The first project presented here is a video where the transformation of scale and construction of a model-dancer is scrutinizing the movements in the dance in order to realise how the tango can be seen from the inside and clarify intimacy, immersion and contact.


Bruno Ingemann, associate professor, ph.d.
Part of the research group
'Visual culture and performance design' (visper)
Communication Studies,
Roskilde University,
PO.Box 260, 

Mobile phone: +45 26 13 72 82

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