Game 123: Smash & Grab - Post Game show - Kamil in on the clock

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Kamil Pawlowski

Apr 13, 2024, 12:02:24 AMApr 13

Mission 8: Smash & Grab

Date: May 3063

Location: Menkalinan FWL (Class C)

Menkalinan is an unremarkable world in the FWL.  Its primary export is lumber.   It was recently restored to the FWL as part of operation Guerrero.    The planet has its local militia but no name units, and no battlemech forces are stationed here.   Given the present state of the Chaos March, the Planetary Governor has hired you to shoot some trouble for him.

Had planetary command ordered you to stay in Shoufeng to keep an eye on prisoners and salvage, you would have bagged the Pirate Wolverine too.  Instead, like many of your enemies it withdraws into thick jungle to lick its wounds.  You're sure you haven't heard the last of it.  The dropship that delivered the pirates takes off when the rest of the pirates surender.

The planetary governor is estacit with your performance.   Ironically he's not as happy about the two working manticores, and bevy of other units you captured for him as he is about the fact that so many of the pirates won't have to be put on trial.  Apparently guaranteeing a fair trial to a pirate is an expensive undertaking.  The governor is so happy he's willing to concede some salvage, though somebody points out that there is a local superstition about hosing out mech cockpits and bad luck - it's a win win.

SAFE slinks away quietly, happy to have gotten away with one.


There are plenty of heros to go around on this one, and you hope that luck never swings back around the way it came down on these pirates.

Game Effects:

Payout is 176 per player.

There is salvage

Turn Order:





First time using the new tooling, please check for mistakes or weirdness.


This game was extraordinarily bloody and I want to thank Allen for being a good sport about all the head hits his units took:

  • Phoenix Hawk - Turn 2 IS-LPL to the head (8 pts of armor vs 9 pt wpn) - head blown off
  • Hunchback - 2 hits to the head, 2nd an IS-ERPPC - head destroyed
  • Panther - knocked out cold by head hit, shredded by subsequent fire
  • Panther - Gaussball to the mellon (turn 2, maybe 3?)
  • Grasshopper - clan LPL to the head, 2 crits - Sensors, Cockpit
There is simply no amount of tactical brilliance that can overcome this kind of dice rolling.


Kamil Pawlowski

Apr 13, 2024, 12:06:13 AMApr 13
Never mind. My turn was already complete.
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