Game 124: Persona Non Grata Post Game Show - Josh is on the clock

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Kamil Pawlowski

Apr 24, 2024, 12:54:16 AMApr 24

Mission 9: Persona Non Grata

Date: June 3063

Location: Menkalinan FWL (Class C)

Menkalinan is an unremarkable world in the FWL.  Its primary export is lumber.   It was recently restored to the FWL as part of operation Guerrero.    The planet has its local militia but no name units, and no battlemech forces are stationed here.   Given the present state of the Chaos March, the Planetary Governor has hired you to shoot some trouble for him.

The battle in Wanrong was brief and bloody.  You can out on top, but only just.  It was attrition that did it, because the repair bill for the man-o-war is going to be high.  It feels great to get another one over on the Mean Ultramarine.  Joy is short lived however, as you begin to hear rumors that Mr. Teal is having dinner with the governor.  You bribe one of the governor's stewards and find out that Mr. Teal is trying to muscle in on your contract.  It seems like you're going to have to force him off world.

Game Effects:

Payout is 201 per player

There is salvage.

Turn Order:





(as usual, please check your sheet)


Thanks to all the new players!

Rules: Laws of War

Images of past games (mostly) knights & weekends media on X

Setting up Thomas' company is going on in parallel on another thread.  He'll get added to the sheet.

We did this:


Josh Cochran

Apr 24, 2024, 10:30:01 PMApr 24

Hey Kam,


I see on the timeline I somehow have a third Cyrano en route. Pretty sure that’s an error. I should only have two Cyranos from my one successful GoFind attempt.


FF takes the following actions:


  1. Determine if you are in Command
  2. Add Additional Lances
  3. Claim Salvage and comp teammates
  4. Buy Ammunition (up to your weight limit)
  5. Repair and Reload ammo on all units
    1. Repair Spector (-37WPs/2TDs)
    2. Repair/Reload Stealth (-23WPs/2TDs)
    3. Repair Flashman (-5WPs/1TD)
    4. Repair Firestarter (-5WPs/1TD)
    5. Repair/Reload Manticore (-5WPs/1TD)
    6. Mod Stealth
  6. Buy and/or Sell units
    1. Continue GoFind for Men Shen x2 (any variant is fine)
    2. Buy Manticore x2 (-210 WPs)

                                                              i.      Assign Manticores to Grant Hutchinson and Sena Mathiessen

                                                             ii.      Mod both Manticores to Manticore Mod (attached) (-40WPs/8TDs)

        1. Assign default loadouts 1 ton LRM10 smoke/1 ton SRM6 Inferno
    1. Buy Quickdraw 5K (-150 WPs)

                                                              i.      Assign Allison Fairbanks to Quickdraw

                                                             ii.      Mod Quickdraw to 5K2 (attached) (-6WPs/2TDs)

        1. Customize QuickDraw to 5K2 x12 (attached) (-35WPs/7TDs)
  1. Add and/or Subtract personnel
  2. Resolve Lance structure
  3. Assign Special Abilities

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Manticore Mod.xls
QuickDraw 5K2.xls
QuickDraw 5K2 mod.xls

Kamil Pawlowski

Apr 26, 2024, 2:32:46 AMApr 26
Date: 3063 Location: Menkalinan [C]
Mech Spector SPR-5FX05 Was CRIPPLED Now OK
Repairs: RT-E,DHS
Failed : None
Repair Cost: 37 Initial: 1338 Remaining 1301

Date: 3063 Location: Menkalinan [C]
Mech Stealth STH-1D Was DAMAGED Now AMMO
Failed : None
Repair Cost: 22 Initial: 1301 Remaining 1279

Date: 3063 Location: Menkalinan [C]
Mech Flashsman C-X10 Was AMMO & ARMOR Now OK
Failed : None
Repair Cost: 5 Initial: 1278 Remaining 1273

Date: 3063 Location: Menkalinan [C]
Mech Firestarter FS-9 O
Firestarter FS-9 OAXA (O-FFA-PRIME)
Firestarter FS-9 OAXB Was AMMO & ARMOR Now OK
Failed : None
Repair Cost: 5 Initial: 1273 Remaining 1268

repair/reload manticore (done manually) requires 1 roll for moto - 9 success

you did not provide a mod for the stealth.

Go Find Menshen (Cost 20)
Base percentage for a class C planet is 0.7
Menshen is a capellan mech on a recently conquered but poor planet - apply 0.2 modified for non-local
The final go find percentage is 0.5
Roll is 80.  Go Find Fails.

Buy 2 manticores & assign.
Modify Manticores
target number for modification is 4 (3 base +1 for class c)
ammo bins are auto success.  on each there are 2 rolls 9,7/9,4 success
2 months to complete
You don't have enough ammo to fill one of the manticores:
The following ammo was used:
LRM10-SMOKE:3 of Avail: 0/12
SRM6-INFERNO:6 of Avail: 0/15

Buy quickdraw & assign
target number for modification is 4 (3 base +1 for class c)
there are 2 rolls, one for each laser 3,5,6 - you failed the first one, one reroll months to complete is 2.

man that was a lot of stuff

Josh Cochran

Apr 26, 2024, 10:30:51 AMApr 26

Yeah, and I still forgot to do stuff. I meant to grab that ammo and attach the Stealth mod. Oh well. Next time.

I’m glad I finally bought a couple vees. I suppose on some level I hoped against hope my cool vehicles would eventually come. Blind point. It was high time I put my idle crews to good use.


The Stealth should have full ammo bins.


How did my Flashman expend ammo? That made me smile. 😊

Kamil Pawlowski

Apr 26, 2024, 10:35:06 AMApr 26
There was probably a space in the field. Google docs/scripts has some ‘limitations’.

I need to do some additional work on it, but mostly the input parts are a pain to deal with.

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