A guide to sign in China Merchants Bank (CMBChina) on Linux: Wine Chrome + ActiveX for Chrome + User Agent Switcher

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Qian Hong

Jan 8, 2012, 2:47:33 PM1/8/12
to non-ie-online-banking
Hi all,

I just test CMBChina online bank with Wine-1.3.36 + Chrome 16 +
ActiveX for Chrome 1.3.10, with some workarounds, it works quite well,
as the Win32 Chrome does.

Here is a shot guide, hopes you like it :)

1. Install wine-1.3.36 or later.

2. Download Google Chrome Standalone installer from :

sha1sum: 3700838267c7d2f01b3a4cf6802052967166bffa

3. Install with Wine:
$ wine ChromeStandalone.exe

3. Start chrome.exe with --no-sandbox switcher
$ cd .wine/drive_c/users/fracting/Local\ Settings/Application\
$ wine chrome.exe --no-sandbox ( Workaround for Wine Bug 21232 [1] )

4. open chrome://flags, enable `Experimental Extension APIs`

5. Restart chrome.exe with --no-sandbox and --single-process switchers
( Workaround for Wine Bug 27248 )
$ wine chrome.exe --no-sandbox --single-process

6. Open https://clients2.googleusercontent.com/crx/download/OAAAAB0oUXu9c6OBWCUkFWIGJHOcSaKIoL6H_pe5o7flCAWHp0XjDQD6SHFLNMzfT74ok2KVkWHTlHgQAXfNI8QkOCIAxlKa5QdWPC_ZP2BKkT6eRO5QbWtQLGRj/extension_1_3_10.crx
, install ActiveX for Chrome v1.3.10

7. Open http://spoofer-extension.appspot.com/spoofer.crx , install
User Agent Switcher Extension

(Note: Don't switch Step 6 and Step 7, there is a new Wine bug found,
I'll report it to Wine)

8. Download and install ActiveX Control for CMBChina :
$ wget http://site.cmbchina.com/download/SafeEditInstall.exe
$ wine SafeEditInstall.exe

9. Restart chrome.exe with --no-sandbox but without --single-process
$ wine chrome.exe --no-sandbox

10. Add `https://*.cmbchina.com/*` to the white list of Chrome for ActiveX

11. Set UserAgent to IE6

12. Open https://pbsz.ebank.cmbchina.com/CmbBank_GenShell/UI/GenShellPC/Login/Login.aspx
or https://user.cmbchina.com/User/Login , now it is able to sign in CMBChina

If you can't open the above URLs, try open them in the second tab of
Wine Chrome, seems there is another Wine bug. I'll report it later.

Chrome for ActiveX should work for Wine Chromium as well, however, for
Chromium, this bug should be workaround first: Bug 27168 -
chromium-based apps can't load https sites

If you found any new bugs about Wine, please report to Wine and CC me.

Have a good day!

[1] Bug 21232 - Chrome can't load any webpage unless --no-sandbox is used

[2] Bug 27248 - cannot unpack *.crx (extensions or themes) in Chrome
unless --single-process is used

[3] Bug 27168 - chromium-based apps can't load https sites

Qian Hong

Sent from Ubuntu

Qian Hong

Jan 8, 2012, 2:49:27 PM1/8/12
to non-ie-online-banking
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 3:47 AM, Qian Hong <frac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (Note: Don't switch Step 6 and Step 7, there is a new Wine bug found,
> I'll report it to Wine)

Sorry, typo.
Don't switch -> Don't swap

Qian Hong

Jan 8, 2012, 3:33:10 PM1/8/12
to non-ie-online-banking
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 3:47 AM, Qian Hong <frac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 6. Open https://clients2.googleusercontent.com/crx/download/OAAAAB0oUXu9c6OBWCUkFWIGJHOcSaKIoL6H_pe5o7flCAWHp0XjDQD6SHFLNMzfT74ok2KVkWHTlHgQAXfNI8QkOCIAxlKa5QdWPC_ZP2BKkT6eRO5QbWtQLGRj/extension_1_3_10.crx
> , install ActiveX for Chrome v1.3.10
> 7. Open http://spoofer-extension.appspot.com/spoofer.crx , install
> User Agent Switcher Extension
> (Note: Don't switch Step 6 and Step 7, there is a new Wine bug found,
> I'll report it to Wine)

Yeah, Bug 29571 - Chrome with User Agent Switcher unable to load any
urls with --no-sandbox --single-process

Qian Hong

Jan 8, 2012, 3:40:44 PM1/8/12
to non-ie-online-banking
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 3:47 AM, Qian Hong <frac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 12. Open https://pbsz.ebank.cmbchina.com/CmbBank_GenShell/UI/GenShellPC/Login/Login.aspx
> or https://user.cmbchina.com/User/Login , now it is able to sign in CMBChina
> If you can't open the above URLs, try open them in the second tab of
> Wine Chrome, seems there is another Wine bug. I'll report it later.

Can't reproduce, if anyone succeed to reproduce please let me know :)

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