XPath with attribute conditions doesn't find root of HTML fragments

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Martin L.

Aug 4, 2020, 11:55:11 AM8/4/20
to nokogiri-talk

Taking the following HTML fragment...

>> html = "<div id=\"abc\"></div>"
=> "<div id=\"abc\"></div>"

This works:

>> Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html).at_xpath(".//div")
=> #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x2b1a5015da5c name="div" attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x2b1a5016e5b4 name="id" value="abc">]>

This gives nil, but should produce the same result as above:

>> Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html).at_xpath(".//div[@id=\"abc\"]")
=> nil

And the same here:

>> Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html).at_xpath(".//div[@id]")
=> nil

Best regards

Mike Dalessio

Aug 4, 2020, 12:13:05 PM8/4/20
to nokogiri-talk
Hi Martin,

Thanks for asking this question. Yes, you're describing the same issue as #572. A workaround that you may want to use is to begin your xpath queries with "./" when searching on a fragment, or to use no prefix at all. Either of these queries will work for you:

frag.at_xpath("./div[@id = 'abc']")
frag.at_xpath("div[@id = 'abc']")

Sorry for the trouble.


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