Verdun project - possible collaboration with Destination Travail

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Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Sep 11, 2019, 2:22:08 PM9/11/19
Hi all,

Since our proposal to ESDC for the Verdun project was rejected, we are stepping back and reevaluating our strategy. One venue is to develop stronger relations with local organisations

Destination Travail is one of them. Their website is under construction. They recently bought a new building in Lasalle / Montreal south west, and offer services to the unemployed. They want to build a new makerspace-type space in their building. David Lametti brokered a meeting between us and them. Yesterday we had another meeting at the Sensorica lab. We are trying to understand how we can collaborate. 

Destination Travail receives funding from Quebec and Ottawa and they are already rooted in the local community. They are exploring new funding opportunities. Since they are already funded, they have a better chance of getting more funding. We consider the possibility to help them build this space, they would open a few positions for local sensoricans. 

More to come... 


co-founder of SENSORICAan open value network
co-founder of CAKEconsulting for the new economy
founder of Multitude Project: informing the new multitude

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