LE VOICE Services

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Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Aug 4, 2017, 3:46:03 PM8/4/17
to NOICE - LE VOICE - Verdun, Marc-Andre Leger, Alexandre BIGOT, Estelle Le Roux Joky
Hi all, 

Here's a screenshot of a service structure taken from the Open Alliance initiative, produced by Yasir. We can use it as a starter and develop from there. 
Background: The Open Alliance initiative was a SENSORICA-lead initiative to federate open spaces in Montreal in collaboration with Mai (from HEC Montreal) and CDEC Rosemont. For more info on this initiative visit this webpage

Services can be classical or p2p. An example of a p2p service provided by an open community is technical education: people naturally teaching people in a fablab. An example of a classical services is consultancy for startups (people subscribed as providers of this service getting paid to help startups), or digital education for kids (Grandir sans Frontieres offering educational programs to schools and parents in exchange of payment). 

Services are provided by CELLs and other Partners and Stakeholders. So the Partnership structure visual needs to be linked/merged somehow to the map of services. 

Anyone wants to take the task to develop the description of services?
NOTE: if you commit to this task we strongly suggest you provide a date for beginning and end. Also, if you execute this task, it is strongly advised that you perform it collaboratively, i.e. you create a shared digital asset (a document, presentation, etc.) and invite the community to look over your work, provide feedback and new ideas. Your work will be logged into SENSORICA's NRP as a contribution to this project, which will grant you privileges and benefits when the project rolls out. 

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