Question: Running Nogotofail without specifying handlers

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Apr 27, 2017, 2:49:37 AM4/27/17
to nogotofail

I am running Nogotofail using OpenVPN.

I have tried to follow the setup for GCE listed in the documentation. However, in my setup I am using CentOS running on a physical PC as the MiTM server. I am then using a Windows PC as a client with a tunnel to the MiTM server.

My question is related to what Nogotofail is doing by default if I am running the application without specifying any handlers or probability arguments.

--> python -m nogotofail.mitm --serverssl mitm_controller_cert_and_key.pem

From the output logs, I am wondering if Nogotofail is periodically using all of the -A attack handlers and with a probability = 1. Is this correct? If my Nogotofail is using -A attack handlers, how is it possible that on my Windows client I am able to freely browse the internet including SSL protected websites as well as running an application that is connected to a private backend located on the AWS cloud?

Adding handler arguments, the Windlows client PC then is limited to where it can freely go in the browser and accessing secure sites.

--> python -m nogotofail.mitm -A selfsigned -D httpdetection -p 1 --serverssl mitm_controller_cert_and_key.pem

My question is this, when using Nogotofail without specifying handlers, as a client should I be able to freely make connections over the internet?


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