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Leap second festival 2012 - Festival program

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Bjørn Magnhildøen

Jun 28, 2012, 8:46:35 PM6/28/12
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Leap second festival

Festival program

The leap second is approaching... The coming Saturday at midnight,
30th June 23:59:60 (UTC), the first Leap second festival will take
place. It will last until the 1st of July 00:00:00 (UTC). Within this
leap second all the works of the festival are exhibited and performed.
There are thirty-seven participants exhibiting and performing works of
different types - video, audio, text, poem, visual, visual text,
animation, conceptual, instructional, narration, dedication, musical
score, polemic (if we want to categorize them as such).

The participants are A. Andreas (Andreas Maria Jacobs), Cristina
Andries, Sissel Berntsen, Brian Blaney, Ana Buigues, Yiorgos
Chouliaras, Elisabeth S. Clark, Simon Coates, Roger Cummiskey, Chris
Funkhouser, Peter Grass, Mathias Hauan Arbo, Martin Howse,
INTERLICHTSPIELHAUS, Karl Heinz Jeron, Halvard Johnson, Irena
Kalodera, Daniel Kelley, Jyrki Kirjalainen, Bonnie MacAllister, Bjørn
Magnhildøen, Nick Mattan, albert negredo, Pasha Radetzki, Stefan
Riebel, Jesse Scott, Alan Sondheim, Anthony Stephenson, Otto Tall,
andrew topel, jurgen trautwein aka jtwine, Nico Vassilakis, Visuel
Sound : Blaise Merino & Irène Strubbe, Paul Wiegerinck, Jan Windle,
Margo Wolf.

Most works are shown in digital format and using the net as their
venue, though their content might as well refer to other formats,
venues and domains - whether online, offline, outline, site, on-site,
non-site (or how we prefer). The festival is a distributed event
coordinated on the net.

Most works last one second. Though some are time-independent (in
format), the basic idea of a miniature work that can be
exhibited/performed within one second is followed.

Since the festival only lasts one second, everything has to be shown
simultaneously. So, Saturday at midnight, 30th June 23:59:60 (UTC),
people going to the Leap second festival site will be able to see all
the works executed, exhibited, and performed (or what it takes).

In reality, the festival is an event that happens in a particular
time, and not in any particular place. And since we all share the same
time living on this free oscillating ball, disregarding relativity
theory for the moment, the festival will actually take place
everywhere and at the same time. We earthball-people operate with
timezones, so take care to check when 30th of June 23:59:60 (UTC) is
likely to happen in your temporary zone (autonomous or not), because
the leap second does not occur on June 30 everywhere. Have a look at
what UTC time is and compare to your clock to know when it's due.

With this in mind, we proceed to the festival program, and have a look
at what will happen during the leap second.

All @ 23:59:60

A number of video and visual works will be shown. A mini movie with
and without media by Paul Wiegerinck investigates the minimal
requirements of the movie media. Bending Time and Space 1 Second for
10 Times by Jyrki Kirjalainen explores the perceptional illusion of
time contraction through a repetition of a one-second sequence of the
earth exploding. Change Brief Abridged by Anthony Stephenson is a
series of motion studies based on the multi-paneled painting titled
"Change - 3 Coins 64 Times". Martin Howse describes in
container//mpeginmpeg a set of content-free, protocol-driven code
objects which are embedded Russian-doll-style within themselves, in
this instance one single video frame, and further explains, "The code
for each object (commandline, Python or C code) is self-consciously
literal, describing the process as algorithm without shortcuts. The
container project embraces the use of the quine with any compiler
considered as an embedding device. Future container examples will
extend to include film-in-film and pornography-in-pornography. The
container project raises the question of where any protocol boundaries
for embeddings can be established". Irena Kalodera's film suite I-II
can be considered, in the festival's opinion, self-referencial 'motion
pictures' and meta-framing. millisecond(s) by Jesse Scott is an
executable/applet of generative, random programming.  shut@#%$^$up by
Cristina Andrieș is described as "The necessary solution to an
unnecessary situation" and might be said to be a short and brutal
political statement. INTERLICHTSPIELHAUS is showing six approximate
seconds, based on 3D-model animations (as far as we know). The stitch
by Ana Buigues demonstrates in the textile arts the extra stitch at
the end of every round that one has to do, and without which the next
round gets too tight. Whatever by Jan Windle is a 0.8 second polemic
on the relationship of the present to the future (leaving some time
for reflection before the festival ends). Bonnie MacAllister will be
showing What the Water Wore filmed on location in Solomon's Island,
MD. Also on the program are Caveat 1.1 by Simon Coates, Geschenke by
Visuel Sound : Blaise Merino & Irène Strubbe, Mumble Sign by Otto
Tall, Jump/cut//Impossible continuous action by Bjørn Magnhildøen, and
Phony Lounge by Pasha Radetzki.

Event/intervention. During the light intervention En un clin d'œil by
Elisabeth S. Clark, 218 street lampposts in Bad Ems, Germany, will
simultaneously be switched off as a split-second negation of light.
This single second non-(street)light orchestration is ephemeral but
will nevertheless signal and question the very measurement and
distribution of time. At the leap second, Elisabeth S. Clark proposes
that Bad Ems encounter a glimpse of non-time.

Music, sound, and audio related work embrace many different types of
work. With Leap Second Split the sculptor Sissel Berntsen will in an
action record the sound of a 13100 kg piece of black diabase stone
splitting in the moment of the leap second. This action will take
place in Johansen Monumenthuggeri, Skjeberg , Norway. Frenchmebeer by
Jurgen Trautwein AKA jtwine is ordering a draft beer in french. Jaa
Nee - Yes No by Karl Heinz Jeron, a computer voice, a possible
reference to Joseph Beuys, the bible, the digital, or all... . Daniel
Kelley is for this 25th leap second presenting the musical score L25,
A Free Oscillation of Earth During the Leap Second of 30 June 2012. In
the informal notes, L25 for dummies he says about the work, "Using the
Earth as a model of a couple of large bells, which can be excited by a
Great earthquake, such as the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman, one of the bells
represents the uniform ringing of the atomic time scale, the other
bell beats slightly out of phase based on the prediction of change the
Earth rotation rate between 29 and 30 June." Another poignant sound
work for the festival, concerning global instability and precarity
(whether political or physical), is The sound of money by A. Andreas
(Andreas Maria Jacobs). This is the sound of 5 years Germany daily
electricity prices from 2008 - 2013, squeezed to 1 second and
compressed to the audible frequency range.

To continue pigeonholing and hair-counting the works, we've come to
textual based ones. Chris Funkhouser's three work that are to be shown
- Ascend Pole, Oceans Pled, Placed Scaled Planes Spaced Places - are
digital poetry text animations, dealing with anagrams for/of the leap
second (which itself can be considered an anagrammatic operation on
time). Buffering... by Bjørn Magnhildøen is an instruction piece about
the stopping of time and mind. Classic Outlines (part of the Fast Food
Classics) by Yiorgos Chouliaras is a poem which can be read in less
than 1 second (by an epically fast narrator/reader). Dedication Pieces
by Stefan Riebel is a performative textual piece, dedicating to the
leap second. The Four videos by Nico Vassilakis are visual poetry
pieces exploring narratives between text, image, and motion. k!: cal
1752 by Alan Sondheim presents a textual command that outputs the
singular calendar of 1752 when it went from Julian to Gregorian.
Halvard Johnson's word-poem deals with an aspect of spacetime. Andrew
Topel's [untitled #1], [untitled #2] are instruction pieces for
anybody to perform during the leap second. The sun is bright by
Mathias Hauan Arbo is a 1 second video of rewriting a text. Also to be
exhibited are Nick Mattan's text animation [untitled], John Connor is
Peter Parker by Margo Wolf, Messi by Roger Cummiskey, One Second Om by
Peter Grass, and Records by Albert Negredo.

In addition there's also a small text section of the festival that
consists of: Dead moments in time - The micromanaging moments of a
cave man - By Ana Buigues. L25 for dummies - Notes on the musical
score L25 by Daniel Kelley - A correspondence between Daniel Kelley
and Bjørn Magnhildøen. Leap second perspectives - Poem - By Brian
Blaney. mafestOmarch (doc) - An art-social initiative - an art march
rather than an art movement - by Pasha Radetzki. One should produce
that thought which is nowhere supported - A commentary on a sentence
from the platform sutra (teachings of Hui-neng) -  By Bjørn
Magnhildøen. VR Improvised - A improvised meditation on the virtual
and the real - By Alan Sondheim.


Have a happy second!

See what UTC time (Zulu time) is now:
Some more info on leap second time:

Bjørn Magnhildøen

Jun 28, 2012, 8:49:28 PM6/28/12
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